
- 維持療法の効果
2014年に発表された**Philip et al.(2014)**の研究では、TMS治療を受けた重度うつ病患者に対して、維持療法が再発予防に有効であることが示されました。この研究では、急性期治療後、維持療法を受けた患者の大多数が1年間にわたって症状の再発を防ぐことができたと報告されています【参考論文1】。
Sackeim et al.(2020)の研究でも、長期的なTMS維持療法が、特に薬物療法が不十分な患者に対しても効果的であり、うつ病の再発率を大幅に低下させることが示されました【参考論文2】。
- 治療頻度
- 維持療法の根拠となる論文
論文1:Philip NS et al. (2014)
タイトル: "Maintenance Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Treatment-Resistant Depression: A Pilot Study"
概要: この研究は、治療抵抗性うつ病の患者を対象に、TMSの維持療法の効果を調査しました。急性期の治療に続いて維持療法を受けた患者は、症状が改善した状態を維持し、再発率が低かったと報告されています。
結論: 維持療法を行うことで、うつ病の症状が長期にわたって改善され、再発が防止される可能性があることを示唆しました。
論文2:Sackeim HA et al. (2020)
タイトル: "Durability of Antidepressant Response to Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis"
概要: TMSの抗うつ効果がどの程度持続するかを評価するために、複数の研究をレビューし、メタ分析を行いました。急性期治療後に維持療法を行うと、うつ病の再発率が有意に低下することが確認されました。
結論: TMS維持療法は、特に薬物治療が効果的でない患者に対して、うつ病再発の予防に非常に有効であることが示されています。
論文3:Janicak PG et al. (2010)
タイトル: "Durability of Clinical Benefit With Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in the Treatment of Pharmacoresistant Major Depression: Assessment of Relapse During a 6-Month Controlled Follow-Up"
概要: 治療抵抗性うつ病患者に対するTMSの長期的な効果を評価した研究で、急性期治療後の6か月間のフォローアップで、維持療法を行うことで治療効果が持続したことが確認されました。
結論: 急性期TMS治療後に、月1〜2回の維持療法を行うことで、うつ病の症状が改善された状態を維持できることがわかりました。
維持療法の効果については、Philip et al.(2014)やSackeim et al.(2020)の研究が示すように、長期的な症状の管理に有用であるというエビデンスがあります。
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Is There Any Effectiveness of Maintenance Therapy with TMS Treatment? What is the Treatment Frequency? Explanation by a Cosmetic Dermatologist in Nagoya
Hello, I’m Dr. Koji Kato, the director of W Skin Clinic Nagoya.
Today, I will explain the effectiveness of maintenance therapy with TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) treatment, the recommended treatment frequency, and the scientific evidence supporting its use.
Maintenance therapy with TMS is primarily performed to sustain the long-term benefits of TMS in chronic mental health conditions such as depression. Maintenance therapy is important to help prolong the effects obtained from the initial TMS treatment and prevent symptom recurrence or deterioration. Below, I’ll discuss the effectiveness, treatment frequency, and relevant studies regarding TMS maintenance therapy.
- Effectiveness of Maintenance Therapy
① Effectiveness
Maintenance therapy with TMS has been shown to be effective in preventing relapse and worsening symptoms, particularly in conditions like depression and bipolar disorder. Numerous studies have reported that patients who responded positively to the initial TMS treatment and continued with maintenance therapy experienced sustained benefits, with a reduced recurrence rate of symptoms.
In particular, patients with depression have been shown to maintain their improved condition over long periods by receiving regular maintenance sessions following acute-phase TMS treatment.
A study by Philip et al. (2014) demonstrated that maintenance therapy was effective in preventing recurrence in patients with major depressive disorder who had undergone TMS treatment. The study reported that the majority of patients who received maintenance therapy after the acute phase were able to prevent symptom recurrence over a year【Reference Study 1】. Another study by Sackeim et al. (2020) showed that long-term TMS maintenance therapy significantly reduced the relapse rate in patients, especially in those with treatment-resistant depression【Reference Study 2】.
- Treatment Frequency
① Differences Between Acute-Phase Treatment and Maintenance Therapy
Acute-Phase Treatment: TMS treatment typically involves 5 sessions per week for 4 to 6 weeks during the acute phase. This period generally brings significant symptom improvement for patients.
Maintenance Therapy: After the acute phase, maintenance therapy is conducted to sustain the long-term effects of TMS. The specific frequency of maintenance therapy varies depending on the patient’s condition, but it is typically done once a month or several times per month.
② Standard Frequency of Maintenance Therapy
Many studies suggest that maintenance therapy is commonly performed at a frequency of once per week to 1–2 times per month. If the patient has experienced significant improvement after the initial acute treatment, monthly sessions are often enough to maintain the therapeutic effects. Depending on the patient's stability, the frequency of sessions can be further reduced over time, especially for those who remain stable over the long term.
- Supporting Evidence for Maintenance Therapy
Study 1: Philip NS et al. (2014)
Title: "Maintenance Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Treatment-Resistant Depression: A Pilot Study"
Summary: This study investigated the effects of maintenance therapy in patients with treatment-resistant depression. The results showed that patients who received maintenance therapy after acute treatment were able to maintain improved symptoms and had a low recurrence rate.
Conclusion: The study suggests that maintenance therapy can sustain long-term improvement in depression symptoms and help prevent recurrence.
Study 2: Sackeim HA et al. (2020)
Title: "Durability of Antidepressant Response to Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis"
Summary: This study conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of multiple studies to evaluate the durability of antidepressant effects from TMS. It confirmed that maintenance therapy following acute treatment significantly reduced relapse rates in depression.
Conclusion: TMS maintenance therapy is highly effective in preventing relapse, particularly in patients for whom medication was insufficient.
Study 3: Janicak PG et al. (2010)
Title: "Durability of Clinical Benefit With Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in the Treatment of Pharmacoresistant Major Depression: Assessment of Relapse During a 6-Month Controlled Follow-Up"
Summary: This study evaluated the long-term effects of TMS on patients with treatment-resistant depression, showing that maintenance therapy over a 6-month follow-up period helped sustain treatment effects.
Conclusion: Monthly maintenance therapy after acute-phase TMS treatment helps to maintain improvements in depression symptoms.
Maintenance therapy with TMS is effective in sustaining the improvements achieved during acute-phase treatment and preventing symptom recurrence. Research shows that TMS maintenance therapy is particularly effective for patients with depression or treatment-resistant conditions, significantly reducing relapse rates. The typical treatment frequency is 1–2 times per month, but this can be adjusted based on the patient's condition.
Studies by Philip et al. (2014) and Sackeim et al. (2020) provide evidence that TMS maintenance therapy is useful for long-term symptom management and preventing relapse.