
- 慢性炎症と脳の機能
根拠: 研究では、肥満者の血中や脳内で炎症性サイトカインの濃度が高く、これが脳の神経伝達に悪影響を与えていることが示されています。特に、うつ病患者の脳内では炎症が確認されており、炎症によって神経細胞が損傷を受けたり、神経伝達物質(セロトニンやドーパミンなど)のバランスが乱れることがうつ症状に繋がります。
- ホルモンバランスの崩れ
レプチンとグレリン: レプチンは満腹感を促すホルモンであり、グレリンは空腹感を促すホルモンです。肥満では、レプチン抵抗性が生じるため、レプチンが十分に分泌されているにもかかわらず、満腹感を感じにくくなります。また、グレリンのレベルも高まりやすく、過食につながります。このホルモンバランスの乱れが、食欲のコントロールを難しくし、精神的な負担となり、うつ症状の悪化に繋がる可能性があります。
インスリン抵抗性: 肥満者では、インスリン抵抗性が発生しやすく、血糖値の急激な変動が起こります。この血糖値の変動は、エネルギーレベルの不安定さや情緒不安定を引き起こし、うつ症状を悪化させる要因になります。また、インスリンは脳内での神経伝達物質のバランスに影響を与え、特にセロトニンやドーパミンなど、うつ病に関連する物質の生成や作用に関与しています。
- 脳内神経伝達物質への影響
セロトニンの減少: セロトニンは、気分や感情の安定を司る神経伝達物質であり、うつ病と密接に関連しています。肥満では、体内の慢性的な炎症やホルモンバランスの乱れが原因で、セロトニンの生成が減少することが確認されています。これは、セロトニン前駆物質であるトリプトファンの利用が妨げられるためです。セロトニンの減少は、うつ症状の発現や悪化に寄与します。
ドーパミンの影響: ドーパミンは、快楽や報酬系に関与する神経伝達物質です。肥満者では、過食によって一時的にドーパミンが過剰に分泌されますが、長期的にはドーパミン受容体の感受性が低下し、快楽や満足感を得にくくなる「報酬系の鈍化」が生じます。これにより、肥満者は食事以外の活動に対しても快楽やモチベーションを感じにくくなり、うつ病のリスクが高まります。
- 社会的ストレスや心理的影響
社会的な孤立感: 肥満に対する偏見や自己イメージの低下が原因で、肥満者は社交的な場面に参加することを避ける傾向があります。これが孤立感やストレスの増加につながり、精神的な健康に悪影響を及ぼすことがあります。
心理的な負担: 肥満に悩む多くの人々は、減量の試みがうまくいかないことや、体型に対するネガティブな思考によって、ストレスや不安を感じることが多いです。この心理的な負担が、うつ症状の出現や悪化に影響を与える可能性があります。
- 肥満とうつ病の「双方向性」
うつ病が肥満を悪化させる要因: うつ病に伴うストレスやモチベーションの低下は、食生活や運動習慣に悪影響を与え、過食や運動不足を招くことがあります。これにより、体重が増加し、肥満が悪化する可能性があります。また、うつ病に対して使用される抗うつ薬の一部は、体重増加の副作用があるため、うつ病治療が肥満を助長することもあります。
肥満がうつ病を引き起こす要因: 先述したように、肥満は炎症、ホルモンバランスの崩れ、神経伝達物質の不均衡、社会的ストレスなどを通じて、うつ病を引き起こすリスクを高めます。この双方向性の関係は、うつ病と肥満が相互に悪化し合うサイクルを形成しやすくします。
- 根拠と研究結果
臨床研究: 肥満者はうつ病のリスクが約55%高いことが、多くの大規模な疫学研究で確認されています。肥満度が高いほど、うつ病の発症リスクが高まる傾向があります。
メタアナリシス: 複数の研究を対象としたメタアナリシスでは、肥満がうつ病のリスク因子であると同時に、うつ病もまた肥満のリスク因子であることが確認されています。この相互関係は、心理的要因と生物学的要因が複雑に絡み合っていることを示唆しています。
- 肥満とうつ病の治療アプローチ
① 生活習慣の改善
② 心理的サポート
③ 薬物療法
④ ホルモンバランスの調整
- 肥満とうつ病の予防戦略
① 食事管理
② 定期的な運動
③ ストレス管理
理事長 加藤晃司
Wスキンクリニック名古屋 (美容皮膚科)
〒461-0005 愛知県名古屋市東区東桜 2-4-1 第3コジマビル6F
TEL 052-7377-7117(10:00~19:00)
高岳駅より徒歩4分 / 新栄町駅より徒歩5分
Wスキンクリニック院長 加藤晃司インスタ↓
Does Obesity Cause or Hinder the Improvement of Depression Symptoms? An Explanation by a Dermatologist in Nagoya
Hello, I am Koji Kato, the director of W Skin Clinic Nagoya.
Today, I will discuss whether obesity causes the emergence of depression symptoms or hinders their improvement and the basis for these claims.
Obesity is considered a factor that can induce the appearance of depression symptoms and inhibit the improvement of depression. Here is a detailed explanation of the basis for this:
Chronic Inflammation and Brain Function Chronic low-grade inflammation associated with obesity adversely affects brain function. In obese individuals, increased adipose tissue, especially visceral fat, leads to elevated secretion of inflammatory cytokines (such as IL-6, TNF-α, CRP). These inflammatory agents can cross the blood-brain barrier and trigger inflammatory responses in the brain.
Evidence: Studies have shown that concentrations of inflammatory cytokines are higher in the bloodstream and brains of obese individuals, adversely affecting neural transmission. Particularly, inflammation observed in the brains of depression patients can damage neurons and disrupt the balance of neurotransmitters (such as serotonin and dopamine), leading to depression symptoms.
Disrupted Hormone Balance Obesity significantly impacts hormone balance. Specifically, the following hormones related to obesity contribute to the emergence and worsening of depression symptoms:
Leptin and Ghrelin: Leptin is a hormone that promotes satiety, while ghrelin increases hunger. In obesity, leptin resistance occurs, making it difficult to feel full despite sufficient leptin secretion. Ghrelin levels also tend to rise, leading to overeating. This hormonal imbalance complicates appetite control, adding psychological stress and potentially worsening depression symptoms.
Insulin Resistance: Obese individuals often develop insulin resistance, leading to sudden fluctuations in blood sugar levels. These fluctuations can cause instability in energy levels and emotional instability, exacerbating depression symptoms. Moreover, insulin affects the balance of neurotransmitters in the brain, particularly those related to depression, such as serotonin and dopamine.
Impact on Brain Neurotransmitters Obesity negatively affects brain neurotransmitters, especially serotonin and dopamine, which are associated with mood, pleasure, and motivation. Imbalances in these substances make depression symptoms more likely to occur.
Decrease in Serotonin: Serotonin, a neurotransmitter that stabilizes mood and emotions, is closely linked to depression. Obesity can reduce serotonin production due to chronic inflammation and hormonal imbalances, as it impedes the utilization of tryptophan, a serotonin precursor. Reduced serotonin contributes to the emergence and worsening of depression symptoms.
Effects on Dopamine: Dopamine, involved in pleasure and reward mechanisms, is temporarily over-secreted during overeating in obese individuals. However, long-term, this can lead to decreased sensitivity of dopamine receptors, making it difficult to achieve pleasure and satisfaction—a phenomenon known as "reward system blunting." This condition increases the risk of depression as obese individuals may find less pleasure and motivation in activities other than eating.
Social Stress and Psychological Impact Obesity also causes social stress and psychological impacts. People with obesity often struggle with prejudice and discrimination regarding their body image, which can lead to stress, anxiety, and depression symptoms.
Social Isolation: Prejudices and low self-esteem related to obesity may lead individuals to avoid social situations, contributing to feelings of isolation and increased stress, adversely affecting mental health.
Psychological Burden: Many people troubled by obesity feel stress and anxiety due to unsuccessful weight loss attempts and negative thoughts about their body image, potentially impacting the emergence and worsening of depression symptoms.
Bidirectionality Between Obesity and Depression There is a bidirectional relationship between obesity and depression, where each can exacerbate the other. While obesity can lead to depression, depression can also increase the risk of becoming obese.
Depression Exacerbating Obesity: The stress and lowered motivation associated with depression can negatively affect dietary and exercise habits, leading to overeating and a lack of exercise, thus potentially worsening obesity. Additionally, some antidepressants used in depression treatment can have side effects that include weight gain, further promoting obesity.
Obesity Leading to Depression: As previously mentioned, obesity increases the risk of depression through inflammation, hormonal imbalances, neurotransmitter imbalances, and social stress. This bidirectional relationship can create a cycle where depression and obesity worsen each other.
Evidence and Research Results Several studies have demonstrated a strong correlation between obesity and depression.
Clinical Studies: Obesity has been found to increase the risk of depression by approximately 55%, as confirmed in many large-scale epidemiological studies. The higher the degree of obesity, the greater the risk of developing depression.
Meta-Analysis: Meta-analyses of multiple studies have confirmed that obesity is a risk factor for depression and vice versa. This interrelationship suggests that psychological and biological factors are intricately linked.
Treatment Approaches for Obesity and Depression Considering the bidirectional nature of obesity and depression, it is crucial to treat both simultaneously. The following approaches are effective:
Lifestyle Improvements: Balanced nutrition, exercise, and improved sleep are essential to alleviate obesity-related depression symptoms. Moderate exercise not only aids in weight management but also promotes the secretion of endorphins in the brain, reducing depression symptoms.
Psychological Support: Patients troubled by obesity need psychological support for self-image and social isolation. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and counseling are effective in managing stress, anxiety, and low self-esteem.
Pharmacotherapy: Antidepressants and obesity medications may be used together in cases of concurrent obesity and depression. However, careful selection of medications is necessary as some antidepressants can cause weight gain. SSRIs, for example, may have minimal impact on weight and can be used relatively safely.
Hormonal Balance Adjustment: Considering the link between obesity and hormonal imbalances, treatments aimed at improving insulin resistance and leptin resistance are important. Diabetes medications like metformin, which improve insulin resistance, can contribute not only to weight management but also to improved brain function.
Prevention Strategies for Obesity and Depression To reduce the risk of obesity and depression, the following prevention strategies are recommended:
Dietary Management: A low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet rich in antioxidants can help suppress chronic inflammation and improve hormonal balance, preventing obesity and reducing the risk of depression symptoms.
Regular Exercise: Exercise helps prevent obesity by increasing energy expenditure and also promotes mental health by reducing depression symptoms. Aerobic exercises, yoga, and Pilates, which balance the mind and body, are particularly effective.
Stress Management: Since stress can promote the onset of obesity and depression, incorporating regular relaxation and stress management techniques (such as meditation and mindfulness) is crucial for maintaining physical and mental health.
Summary Multiple studies have shown that obesity can trigger or worsen depression symptoms. The evidence for this includes chronic inflammatory responses, hormonal imbalances, effects on neurotransmitters, and social and psychological factors. Moreover, the bidirectional relationship between obesity and depression suggests a cycle of mutual exacerbation, making simultaneous treatment and management vital.
Treatment includes lifestyle changes, psychological support, appropriate pharmacotherapy, and hormonal balance adjustments. Additionally, implementing prevention strategies such as dietary management, exercise, and stress management can reduce the risk of obesity and depression.