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  • お知らせ>
  • 肥満が改善したり、血糖値が安定することで、うつ症状などの精神症状が改善する可能性はあるか?名古屋の美容皮膚科医が解説













  1. 肥満の改善とうつ症状の関係



1.1 身体的な健康の向上



1.2 炎症の低下



1.3 自己肯定感の向上



  1. 血糖値の安定とうつ症状の関係



2.1 血糖値の安定と脳機能



2.2 インスリン抵抗性と脳の健康



2.3 食生活と血糖管理



  1. 研究による支持







  1. ダイエットとライフスタイルの影響





















理事長 加藤晃司







Wスキンクリニック名古屋 (美容皮膚科)



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TEL 052-7377-7117(10:00~19:00)

LINE ID @w.nagoya

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LINE ID :  @w.nagoya





Wスキンクリニック院長 加藤晃司インスタ↓



Can Improving Obesity and Stabilizing Blood Sugar Improve Depression and Other Mental Health Symptoms? Explained by a Nagoya Dermatologist


Hello, I’m Dr. Koji Kato, the director of W Skin Clinic Nagoya.


Today, I’d like to discuss whether improving obesity and stabilizing blood sugar can help alleviate depression and other mental health symptoms.


There is a possibility that improving obesity and stabilizing blood sugar may lead to improvements in depression and other mental health conditions. This is because managing weight and blood sugar is closely tied not only to physical health but also to mental well-being. Below, I will explain the mechanisms behind this connection and related studies.


  1. The Relationship Between Improving Obesity and Depression

There is a strong link between obesity and mental health symptoms, and reducing weight may positively impact mental well-being.


1.1 Improvement in Physical Health

Obesity increases the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease. These health risks can contribute to mental stress, lower self-esteem, and feelings of social isolation. By improving obesity, these physical risks are reduced, leading to an overall improvement in health, which may help alleviate depression.


1.2 Reduction of Inflammation

Obesity is known to trigger chronic inflammation in the body. This chronic inflammation has been linked to depression and other mental health symptoms in various studies. By reducing weight and thus lowering inflammation, mental health could improve.


1.3 Boosting Self-Esteem

Losing weight and achieving a healthier body shape can lead to higher self-esteem for many people. Increased satisfaction with one’s body and improvements in social self-esteem and confidence may contribute to alleviating depression and anxiety symptoms.


  1. The Relationship Between Blood Sugar Stabilization and Depression

Stabilizing blood sugar levels can also impact depression and mental stability. Rapid fluctuations in blood sugar levels can negatively affect mental health, so managing blood sugar can be beneficial.


2.1 Blood Sugar Stability and Brain Function

The brain uses glucose (blood sugar) as its main energy source. Stabilizing blood sugar levels ensures a steady supply of energy to the brain, which can help maintain mental stability. On the other hand, rapid spikes and drops in blood sugar can cause mood swings, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. Stable blood sugar helps alleviate these symptoms, contributing to mental health.


2.2 Insulin Resistance and Brain Health

Insulin resistance, often associated with obesity and type 2 diabetes, can affect the brain and has been linked to depression and cognitive decline. Improving insulin sensitivity and controlling blood sugar may positively influence mental health.


2.3 Dietary Management and Blood Sugar Control

Managing blood sugar levels through diet is also important for mental health. Consuming low-GI foods (which prevent rapid spikes in blood sugar) and maintaining a balanced diet can help stabilize blood sugar and improve mental well-being. Together with obesity and diabetes management, blood sugar stabilization may help alleviate depression.


  1. Supporting Research

Several studies suggest that weight loss and blood sugar management can help reduce symptoms of depression.


The link between obesity and mental symptoms: Research has shown that obesity is closely related to depression and anxiety, and reducing weight may help improve these symptoms. As obesity improves, self-esteem rises, and social participation increases, contributing to mental well-being.


Blood sugar management and mental stability: Among diabetes patients, it has been demonstrated that blood sugar control significantly affects mental health. Those with unstable blood sugar tend to have worse depressive symptoms. Stabilizing blood sugar levels may help improve these symptoms.


  1. Impact of Diet and Lifestyle

Effective weight loss and blood sugar stabilization require healthy lifestyle changes such as diet, exercise, and stress management.


Exercise: Regular exercise not only promotes weight loss but also helps alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety. Exercise stimulates the release of "happy hormones" such as serotonin and endorphins in the brain, helping to stabilize mood, and is more effective when combined with diet.


Diet: A balanced diet rich in vegetables, fruits, quality proteins, and omega-3 fatty acids contributes to mental health. Eating in a way that stabilizes blood sugar levels also contributes to mental stability.



Improving obesity and stabilizing blood sugar levels have a high potential to improve depression and other mental health symptoms. These factors not only affect physical health but also impact self-esteem, inflammation, and brain function, leading to positive mental health outcomes. Together, diet and blood sugar control can contribute to overall health improvement and help reduce symptoms of depression.


At our clinic, we offer TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) therapy and exosome therapy for patients with depression. However, we have also seen many cases where medical weight loss treatments have improved depressive symptoms.


Improvements in obesity and blood sugar stabilization can also enhance concentration and may be effective for developmental disorders such as ADHD and ASD.


It is possible to improve mental symptoms without the use of psychiatric medications, so please feel free to consult with us.