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  • 男性の脱毛にはジェントルマックスプロ、夏になる前に脱毛を終わらせた方いい理由、名古屋の美容皮膚科医が解説











男性の脱毛にはジェントルマックスプロが適している理由 & 夏になる前に脱毛を終わらせた方がいい理由

  1. 男性の脱毛にジェントルマックスプロが適している理由

ジェントルマックスプロ(GentleMax Pro)は、医療用レーザー脱毛機の中でも特に男性の脱毛に適しているとされる理由がいくつかあります。


✅ ① 強力な脱毛効果(アレキサンドライト+ヤグレーザーの2波長)




→ 毛のメラニン色素に強く反応し、太い毛・濃い毛に効果的

→ 男性のヒゲや体毛(特に胸・腕・脚)に適している



→ 肌の深部まで届き、毛根の奥にある太い毛をしっかり破壊

→ 剛毛や深い毛根に向いており、ヒゲやVIOに効果的

→ 色黒肌や日焼け肌にも対応可能


📌 男性の太くて根深い毛にも対応できるため、ヒゲ脱毛やボディ脱毛に適している。


✅ ② 痛みを軽減する冷却機能




📌 「医療脱毛=痛い」と思われがちだが、ジェントルマックスプロは比較的痛みを抑えやすい。


✅ ③ 短時間で広範囲を脱毛可能




📌 短期間でスムーズに脱毛が完了し、施術回数も比較的少なく済む。


✅ ④ ひげ脱毛・全身脱毛に対応



📌 ヒゲだけでなく、体毛が濃い部位の脱毛にも最適。


  1. 夏になる前に脱毛を終わらせた方がいい理由



✅ ① 日焼けすると脱毛ができなくなる




📌 「夏に脱毛を始める」のでは遅く、夏前にある程度施術を進めておくのが理想。


✅ ② 脱毛は1回では終わらない(完了まで半年〜1年)




📌 夏に向けて脱毛をするなら、春や冬から始めるのがベスト。


✅ ③ 毛が薄くなれば、夏の汗・ニオイ対策にもなる




📌 「夏にツルツルにしたい」と思うなら、春までにある程度の回数をこなしておくのがベスト。


✅ ④ ムダ毛処理の手間を省ける



📌 自己処理の手間を減らし、清潔感を維持するためにも、夏前に脱毛を終わらせるのがおすすめ。


  1. まとめ

✅ 男性の脱毛にはジェントルマックスプロが最適





✅ 夏になる前に脱毛を進めるべき理由












Why GentleMax Pro is Ideal for Men's Hair Removal & Why You Should Finish Before Summer

Explained by a Cosmetic Dermatologist in Nagoya

Hello, this is Koji Kato, Director of W Skin Clinic Nagoya.


Today, I will explain why GentleMax Pro is the best choice for men's hair removal and why it's important to complete hair removal before summer.


  1. Why GentleMax Pro is Ideal for Men's Hair Removal

GentleMax Pro is one of the most effective medical laser hair removal devices, especially for men's thick and deep-rooted hair.


✅ ① Powerful Hair Removal Effect (Dual-Wavelength: Alexandrite + YAG Laser)

GentleMax Pro features two different laser wavelengths, making it highly effective for treating thick facial and body hair in men.


Laser Type           Characteristics & Effectiveness

Alexandrite Laser (755nm) - Strongly absorbed by melanin, making it highly effective for thick and dark hair

- Ideal for facial hair, chest, arms, and legs

YAG Laser (1064nm)         - Penetrates deep into the skin, effectively destroying deep-rooted thick hair

- Best for coarse facial hair, beard, and VIO area

- Safe for darker or tanned skin

📌 Because it effectively targets deep-rooted, thick hair, it’s highly suitable for men's beard and body hair removal.


✅ ② Pain Reduction with Cooling Technology

GentleMax Pro uses a built-in cooling system, which sprays a cooling gas during the laser pulse, reducing discomfort.


Facial hair removal can be painful, but the cooling function helps reduce pain significantly.

Compared to other medical laser devices, GentleMax Pro allows for a more comfortable treatment experience.

📌 Many people associate laser hair removal with pain, but GentleMax Pro is designed to minimize discomfort.


✅ ③ Fast Treatment Time

GentleMax Pro has a large spot size, allowing for quick treatment of large areas.

Beard removal: 10–15 minutes per session

Full-body hair removal: 60–90 minutes

📌 Busy men can complete their hair removal treatments in a short time, making it a convenient option.


✅ ④ Suitable for Beard & Full-Body Hair Removal

GentleMax Pro is effective for both beard and body hair removal, including:


✅ Beard (chin, upper lip, cheeks, neck)

✅ Chest & stomach

✅ Arms & legs

✅ VIO (bikini area)


Beard removal: 5–10 sessions for significant reduction, 10+ sessions for complete hair removal.

Body hair removal: 5–8 sessions for optimal results.

📌 Ideal for men who want a clean, well-groomed appearance.


  1. Why You Should Complete Hair Removal Before Summer

Hair removal takes multiple sessions to achieve full results, so starting early is essential for summer readiness.


✅ ① Sun Exposure Can Delay Treatment

Laser hair removal targets melanin (pigment in hair), so tanned skin increases the risk of burns or pigmentation issues.

Alexandrite laser is not suitable for tanned skin, meaning treatment may have to be postponed if you get a tan.

📌 Starting hair removal before summer ensures that treatments can continue without interruptions due to sun exposure.


✅ ② Hair Removal Requires Multiple Sessions (6–12 Months for Completion)

Hair removal is not instant—it requires multiple sessions spaced 1.5 to 2 months apart.

Beard removal requires 5–10 sessions, and full-body hair removal requires 5–8 sessions for best results.

Noticeable reduction takes 3–4 months, meaning you need to start in winter or early spring to see results by summer.

📌 If you want smooth skin for summer, the best time to start is in winter or early spring.


✅ ③ Reduced Sweating & Odor Control

Thick body hair can trap sweat and bacteria, leading to increased body odor in summer.

Hair removal on areas like armpits, VIO, and legs reduces sweat retention, keeping skin cooler and fresher.

📌 Hair removal helps prevent sweat buildup and odor, making summer more comfortable.


✅ ④ Eliminates the Need for Shaving or Trimming in Summer

In warmer months, men wear shorts, short sleeves, and go to the beach, increasing the need for frequent shaving.

Shaving frequently causes irritation, ingrown hairs, and skin darkening over time.

📌 Hair removal eliminates the hassle of shaving, ensuring a consistently clean look.


  1. Summary

✅ GentleMax Pro is the Best Choice for Men’s Hair Removal

✔ Dual-laser technology (Alexandrite + YAG) effectively treats thick and deep hair.

✔ Cooling function reduces pain, making treatments more comfortable.

✔ Fast treatment times (10–15 min for beard, 60–90 min for full body).

✔ Works for beard, chest, arms, legs, and VIO hair removal.


✅ Why You Should Complete Hair Removal Before Summer

✔ Tanned skin can prevent laser treatments, so early treatment avoids delays.

✔ Hair removal takes 6–12 months to complete, so starting early ensures summer readiness.

✔ Reduces sweat buildup and body odor.

✔ Eliminates the need for constant shaving or trimming in summer.


Final Thoughts

GentleMax Pro is one of the most effective and versatile laser hair removal devices for men.


If you want smooth, hair-free skin by summer, the best time to start is now—before the season of sun exposure begins.


📌 Also, laser hair removal does not work well on white or gray hair, so starting early before hair turns gray is highly recommended!


If you’re considering hair removal, act now and complete your sessions before summer! 🌞✨