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  • 最新のED治療、エクソソームの海綿体注射は通常の内服とは違う効果を発揮するか?名古屋市東区の美容皮膚科医が解説











  1. エクソソーム海綿体注射とは?




  1. ED治療の一般的な内服薬(PDE5阻害薬)との違い

一般的なED治療薬には、バイアグラ(シルデナフィル)、シアリス(タダラフィル)、レビトラ(バルデナフィル) などのPDE5阻害薬が含まれます。



📌 PDE5阻害薬(バイアグラ・シアリスなど)の特徴

✅ 服用後30〜60分で作用し、短時間のED改善が可能

✅ 血管拡張作用により、勃起をサポート

✅ 継続的な治療ではなく、服用時のみ効果が得られる

✅ 動脈硬化や神経障害によるEDには効果が弱い場合がある


📌 エクソソーム海綿体注射の特徴(内服薬との違い)

✅ 根本的な治療(血管・神経・組織の再生)を促す

✅ 長期的なED改善が期待できる(数か月〜1年以上持続)

✅ 内服薬が効きにくいED(糖尿病性ED・神経損傷EDなど)にも対応可能

✅ 服用の必要がなく、自然な勃起機能の回復が見込める


  1. エクソソーム海綿体注射の作用メカニズム



✅ ① 血管新生の促進(血流の改善)




✅ ② 神経再生の促進(神経障害によるEDの改善)




✅ ③ 陰茎組織の再生(組織の老化予防)



📌 血流・神経・組織の3つの側面からEDを根本的に改善する点が、PDE5阻害薬とは異なる特徴。


  1. エクソソーム海綿体注射が有効なEDのタイプ



✅ 糖尿病性ED → 血管・神経障害が原因のEDにも効果的

✅ 加齢によるED → 陰茎の組織の老化や血流不足の改善

✅ 神経損傷によるED → 前立腺手術後や外傷によるEDの回復をサポート

✅ 生活習慣病によるED → 血管内皮の健康を改善し、勃起力を回復


📌 特に、糖尿病や術後のEDなど、従来の治療では効果が得られにくいタイプのEDに有効とされる。


  1. エクソソーム海綿体注射の効果持続期間




✅ 注射後、1〜2週間で効果を実感し始める

✅ 3〜6か月かけて組織修復が進み、勃起機能が向上

✅ 効果は6か月〜1年以上持続するケースが多い


📌 長期的な改善を目的とするため、即効性はPDE5阻害薬に劣るが、根本的なED治療として優れている。


  1. 副作用と注意点

✅ エクソソーム自体は自己由来の物質のため、副作用のリスクは低い

✅ 施術直後に軽い腫れや違和感が出ることがあるが、数日で改善

✅ 根本治療のため、即効性を求める場合はPDE5阻害薬と併用も可能

✅ 血流改善のため、定期的な運動や健康管理も併せて行うと効果が高まる


📌 PDE5阻害薬が使えない人(心疾患・降圧剤服用者)にも適した治療法となる可能性がある。


  1. まとめ

✅ エクソソーム海綿体注射は、EDの根本的な治療法として注目されている。

✅ PDE5阻害薬が「一時的な血流改善」なのに対し、エクソソーム注射は「血管・神経・組織の再生」により長期的なED改善が可能。

✅ 糖尿病性ED・加齢によるED・神経障害性EDなど、従来の治療が効きにくいケースにも効果が期待される。

✅ 持続期間は6か月〜1年以上と長く、服用不要で自然な勃起機能の回復が見込める。

✅ PDE5阻害薬と併用することで、短期・長期の両面でED改善をサポートできる。


📌 「即効性ならPDE5阻害薬」「根本治療ならエクソソーム注射」

📌 両者の違いを理解し、症状に応じた治療選択が重要です。












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LINE ID :  @w.nagoya





Wスキンクリニック院長 加藤晃司インスタ↓



Latest ED Treatment: Does Exosome Cavernous Body Injection Work Differently from Oral Medications?

Explained by a Cosmetic Dermatologist in Nagoya


Hello, this is Dr. Koji Kato from W Skin Clinic Nagoya.


Today, I will explain whether exosome cavernous body injections offer different effects compared to traditional oral ED medications.


What is Exosome Cavernous Body Injection?

Exosomes are tiny vesicles secreted by cells that contain growth factors, anti-inflammatory agents, and regenerative components. They play a crucial role in cell-to-cell communication and tissue repair.


In erectile dysfunction (ED) treatment, exosome injections directly into the cavernous body promote vascular regeneration, nerve repair, and tissue regeneration, offering a novel approach to improving erectile function.


How Does It Differ from Standard Oral ED Medications?

Traditional ED medications include PDE5 inhibitors such as:


Viagra (Sildenafil)

Cialis (Tadalafil)

Levitra (Vardenafil)

These drugs temporarily improve blood flow to the penis, assisting in achieving an erection. However, they do not address the underlying causes of ED and must be taken before intercourse to be effective.


📌 Characteristics of PDE5 Inhibitors (Viagra, Cialis, Levitra)

✅ Take effect within 30-60 minutes and temporarily improve erectile function

✅ Work by relaxing blood vessels and increasing blood flow

✅ Only work when taken before intercourse

✅ May be less effective for ED caused by diabetes or nerve damage


📌 How Exosome Cavernous Body Injection Works Differently

✅ Regenerative treatment that improves blood vessels, nerves, and tissue health

✅ Long-term improvement in erectile function (effects last months to years)

✅ Effective even for diabetes-related ED or nerve damage-related ED

✅ No need for continuous medication, promoting natural erectile function recovery


Mechanism of Exosome Injections in ED Treatment

Exosome therapy works through three primary mechanisms:


✅ 1. Promotes Blood Vessel Regeneration (Improved Blood Flow)

Exosomes activate endothelial cells, stimulating the growth of new blood vessels (angiogenesis).

This enhances penile blood circulation, improving erectile strength.


✅ 2. Stimulates Nerve Regeneration (Nerve-Related ED Improvement)

Nerve damage from diabetes or prostate surgery is a major cause of ED.

Exosomes contain nerve growth factors (NGF), which support nerve repair and regrowth, restoring erectile function.


✅ 3. Restores Cavernous Body Tissue (Prevents Aging of Erectile Tissue)

Aging and poor lifestyle habits lead to fibrosis and loss of elasticity in the penile tissue.

Exosomes reverse fibrosis and restore tissue elasticity, helping naturally maintain erections.


📌 Unlike PDE5 inhibitors, exosome injections target the root cause of ED by enhancing blood flow, repairing nerves, and regenerating tissue.


Who Can Benefit from Exosome Injections for ED?

Exosome therapy is particularly effective for cases where oral medications have limited efficacy:


✅ Diabetes-Related ED → Improves nerve and blood vessel function

✅ Age-Related ED → Restores penile tissue elasticity and circulation

✅ Post-Prostate Surgery ED → Supports nerve regeneration

✅ ED from Cardiovascular Disease or Hypertension → Enhances vascular health

✅ ED Unresponsive to PDE5 Inhibitors → Works on underlying tissue and nerve health


📌 Especially beneficial for men with diabetes or post-surgical ED, where PDE5 inhibitors alone may not be effective.


How Long Does Exosome ED Treatment Last?

Unlike oral medications that require frequent use, exosome injections provide long-lasting improvements.


✅ Effects start appearing within 1–2 weeks after the injection

✅ Over 3–6 months, erectile function continues to gradually improve

✅ Results can last 6 months to over a year, reducing the need for continuous treatments


📌 Exosome therapy is a long-term solution rather than a temporary fix. While it may not provide immediate results like PDE5 inhibitors, it offers a more sustainable improvement in erectile function.


Side Effects & Considerations

✅ Minimal side effects, as exosomes are derived from natural biological components

✅ Some patients may experience mild swelling or discomfort, which subsides within a few days

✅ Since exosomes work over time, immediate effects are not expected

✅ Can be combined with PDE5 inhibitors for short-term and long-term benefits

✅ Regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle enhance treatment outcomes


📌 Unlike PDE5 inhibitors, exosome injections are suitable for patients who cannot take oral medications due to heart conditions or medication interactions.


Comparison: Exosome Injection vs. Oral ED Medications

Treatment            PDE5 Inhibitors (Viagra, Cialis, Levitra)       Exosome Cavernous Body Injection

Mechanism          Temporary blood flow enhancement Blood vessel, nerve, and tissue regeneration

Onset     30–60 minutes after intake Gradual improvement over weeks to months

Duration              Up to 36 hours (Cialis)      6 months to over a year

Best for  Mild ED, occasional use     Chronic ED, diabetes-related ED, nerve damage

Need for continuous use?   Yes (requires ongoing medication)   No (long-term effects from a single injection)

Combination with other treatments  Can be combined with exosome therapy         Can be combined with PDE5 inhibitors for short-term support

Effectiveness in severe ED Limited (less effective in diabetes/nerve-related ED)  Highly effective for severe or resistant ED

📌 If you need immediate results, PDE5 inhibitors work best. If you seek a long-term solution, exosome injections are the superior option.



✅ Exosome cavernous body injection is an advanced ED treatment that provides long-term improvements in erectile function.

✅ Unlike Viagra or Cialis, which offer short-term relief, exosomes work by regenerating blood vessels, nerves, and penile tissue, leading to sustained improvement.

✅ It is especially effective for diabetes-related ED, post-surgical ED, and age-related erectile dysfunction, where PDE5 inhibitors may not be sufficient.

✅ Results can last over a year, eliminating the need for frequent medication.

✅ PDE5 inhibitors can still be used alongside exosome therapy for short-term benefits while the regenerative process takes place.


📌 "For short-term effects, PDE5 inhibitors work best. For long-term improvement, exosome injections offer a more effective solution."


Who Should Consider Exosome Injection for ED?

Those who don’t respond well to Viagra or Cialis

Men who prefer a natural, regenerative solution over daily medication

Patients with diabetes, cardiovascular conditions, or post-prostate surgery ED

Men looking for a long-term ED solution rather than a temporary fix

📌 The procedure is minimally invasive with little to no pain—consider trying this cutting-edge ED treatment!