









✅ マイクロボトックス(Microbotox)は、小じわの改善に非常に効果的な施術の一つ。

✅ 通常のボトックスとは異なり、筋肉ではなく皮膚の浅い層(真皮層)に注入するため、表情の動きを妨げずにしわを和らげることができる。

✅ 皮脂分泌の抑制や毛穴の引き締め効果もあり、肌全体のハリ・ツヤを向上させる。


  1. マイクロボトックスとは?

マイクロボトックスとは、従来のボトックス治療と異なり、ボツリヌストキシン(ボトックス)を 皮膚の浅い層(真皮層)に細かく注入する施術。




✅ 筋肉の動きを止めずに、小じわをなめらかにする

✅ 皮膚の引き締め効果で、ハリとツヤが向上

✅ 皮脂分泌を抑えて、テカリや毛穴の開きを改善


  1. 小じわに対する効果

① 皮膚の収縮を抑え、小じわを滑らかにする




📌 「しわをピンと伸ばす」というより、「ふんわりと自然に滑らかにする」イメージ。


② 皮脂分泌を抑えて肌のキメを整える




📌 オイリー肌の人には、皮脂コントロールの副次的なメリットもある。


③ 肌のハリ・ツヤを向上




📌 「ハリと透明感のある肌」になりたい人に適している。


  1. 施術が適している部位

✅ 目元の小じわ(目尻、目の下)

✅ 額や眉間の細かいしわ

✅ 頬の毛穴の開き、小じわ

✅ 口元(ほうれい線周辺の細かいしわ)

✅ 首の横じわ(ネックライン)


📌 表情を動かす筋肉を抑えず、自然な仕上がりにしたい部位に適している。


  1. 施術の流れ









  1. マイクロボトックスのメリットとデメリット


✅ 小じわを自然に改善し、肌の質感をなめらかにする

✅ 表情が不自然にならず、ナチュラルな仕上がり

✅ 皮脂分泌を抑えて毛穴を引き締め、ハリ・ツヤが出る

✅ 施術後すぐに日常生活に戻れる(ダウンタイムがほぼない)



❌ 通常のボトックスより効果がマイルドなため、深いしわには向かない

❌ 効果の持続が約3~4か月と短め(定期的な施術が必要)

❌ 皮脂が減りすぎると乾燥することがある(乾燥肌の人は要注意)


📌 深いしわ(額の深いしわ、ゴルゴラインなど)には、通常のボトックスやヒアルロン酸注入が適している。


  1. 他の治療との組み合わせ

① ヒアルロン酸注入(小じわが深い場合)


② 水光注射(肌のハリを強化)


③ ダーマペン or RF(コラーゲン増生)


📌 より高い効果を求めるなら、複数の施術を組み合わせるのが理想。


  1. まとめ

✅ マイクロボトックスは、小じわの改善に非常に効果的な施術で、ナチュラルな仕上がりが特徴。

✅ 皮膚の浅い層に作用し、表情の動きを妨げずにしわを滑らかにする。

✅ 皮脂分泌を抑え、毛穴を引き締め、肌のハリ・ツヤを向上させる効果も期待できる。

✅ 即効性があり、ダウンタイムがほぼないため、気軽に受けられる。

✅ 深いしわには向かないため、ヒアルロン酸や水光注射、ダーマペンと組み合わせるとより効果的。






Is Microbotox Effective for Reducing Fine Wrinkles?

Explained by a Cosmetic Dermatologist in Nagoya

Hello, this is Koji Kato, Director of W Skin Clinic Nagoya.


Today, I will explain whether Microbotox is an effective treatment for fine wrinkles.


Is Microbotox Effective for Fine Wrinkles?

✅ Microbotox is one of the most effective treatments for fine wrinkles.

✅ Unlike traditional Botox, it is injected into the superficial dermis rather than the muscles, allowing wrinkle reduction without affecting facial expressions.

✅ It also helps to control sebum production, tighten pores, and improve overall skin texture and radiance.


  1. What is Microbotox?

Microbotox is a specialized Botox treatment injected into the superficial layer of the skin (dermis) using microinjections.


How is Microbotox different from regular Botox?

Traditional Botox targets facial muscles to reduce dynamic wrinkles.

Microbotox acts on the skin’s surface, improving texture and elasticity without restricting muscle movement.

Key Benefits of Microbotox

✅ Smooths fine lines naturally without freezing expressions

✅ Tightens and firms the skin, enhancing overall texture

✅ Reduces sebum production, helping to control oiliness and minimize pores


  1. How Microbotox Works on Fine Wrinkles

① Reduces Skin Contraction, Smoothing Fine Wrinkles

Fine lines are caused by both muscle movement and skin contraction.

Microbotox relaxes the skin’s surface, making wrinkles less noticeable.

It is especially effective for crow’s feet, forehead lines, and fine lines around the mouth.

📌 Instead of “freezing” the skin, it softens wrinkles for a natural look.

② Controls Sebum and Refines Skin Texture

Botox reduces oil gland activity, leading to less sebum production.

Pore size decreases, making fine lines less visible.

Ideal for oily skin types to reduce shine in the T-zone and cheeks.

📌 Great for those with oily skin, as it controls excess sebum.

③ Improves Skin Firmness and Hydration

Microbotox stimulates collagen and elastin production, enhancing skin elasticity.

The skin’s moisture retention improves, preventing dryness-induced wrinkles.

📌 Best for those who want firmer, more radiant skin.

  1. Best Areas for Microbotox Treatment

✅ Fine lines around the eyes (crow’s feet, under-eye wrinkles)

✅ Forehead and frown lines

✅ Cheek wrinkles and enlarged pores

✅ Fine lines around the mouth (nasolabial area)

✅ Neck wrinkles (horizontal lines on the neck)


📌 Perfect for areas where natural movement should be preserved.


  1. Microbotox Procedure

1️⃣ Consultation – Identify target areas

2️⃣ Topical numbing cream application (minimizing discomfort)

3️⃣ Injection using ultra-fine needles (microdoses distributed evenly)

4️⃣ Post-treatment cooling (to reduce redness and swelling)


Treatment time: 15–30 minutes

Minimal downtime: Slight redness or swelling may occur, but subsides within 1–2 days

Duration of results: 3–4 months

  1. Pros and Cons of Microbotox

✔ Pros

✅ Natural-looking wrinkle reduction without affecting expressions

✅ Improves skin texture, making it smoother and more refined

✅ Controls sebum production, reducing shine and minimizing pores

✅ Quick treatment with minimal downtime


❌ Cons

❌ Less effective on deep wrinkles (Best for fine lines; deep wrinkles may require Botox or dermal fillers)

❌ Results last only 3–4 months, requiring maintenance treatments

❌ Can cause dryness if oil production is excessively reduced


📌 For deeper wrinkles (e.g., forehead lines, nasolabial folds), traditional Botox or dermal fillers may be more suitable.


  1. Combining Microbotox with Other Treatments

① Dermal Fillers (for deeper wrinkles)

If fine lines are deeper, combining Microbotox with hyaluronic acid fillers provides better results.

② Skin Booster Injections (for enhanced hydration and elasticity)

Treatments like Rejuran Healer, PRP therapy, or hyaluronic acid skin boosters help retain moisture and further smooth fine lines.

③ Microneedling (to stimulate collagen production)

Microneedling (Dermapen) or radiofrequency (RF) therapy boosts collagen, enhancing skin elasticity and reducing pores.

📌 For optimal results, combining Microbotox with complementary treatments is recommended.


  1. Summary

✅ Microbotox is highly effective for fine wrinkles, offering a natural and smooth result.

✅ Unlike traditional Botox, it works on the skin’s surface, preserving facial expressions.

✅ Additional benefits include pore tightening, oil control, and improved skin radiance.

✅ Immediate results with minimal downtime make it a convenient option.

✅ For deeper wrinkles, combining with dermal fillers, skin boosters, or microneedling enhances results.


Final Thoughts

Microbotox is an excellent treatment for refining skin texture, reducing fine wrinkles, and enhancing skin elasticity.

It’s perfect for those who want subtle anti-aging effects while maintaining natural expressions.


If you're looking for a gentle yet effective skin rejuvenation treatment, Microbotox is a great choice!