















  1. ミラドライとは?

① 仕組みと作用メカニズム







② ワキガ・多汗症に対する効果




➡ ワキガの根本治療として、ミラドライは非常に有効な選択肢。


  1. ミラドライのメリット

① 永続的な効果




② 手術不要でダウンタイムが短い





③ ワキガと多汗症を同時に治療できる




④ ボトックスと比べ、長期間の効果






✅ ワキガの臭いを根本的に解決したい人

✅ 脇汗が多く、汗ジミが気になる人

✅ ボトックス治療を繰り返すのが面倒な人

✅ 手術をせずに半永久的な治療を受けたい人

✅ ダウンタイムが短く、日常生活にすぐ戻りたい人


➡ 夏前のこの時期に治療しておくことで、汗が気になる季節でも快適に過ごせる。




✅ ミラドライは、ワキガ・多汗症の治療に高い有効性を持つ非侵襲的な方法。

✅ 一度の施術で長期間の効果が期待でき、手術よりもリスクが少なく、ボトックスよりも持続性がある。

✅ 施術後の腫れやしこりは一時的なもので、数週間で改善。

✅ 夏前に受けることで、ワキの臭いや汗を気にせず快適に過ごせる。









Get Rid of Underarm Odor Before Summer! The Effectiveness of miraDry

Explained by a Cosmetic Dermatologist in Nagoya

Hello, this is Dr. Koji Kato, director of W Skin Clinic Nagoya.


Today, I will explain how miraDry can effectively treat underarm odor (axillary osmidrosis) and excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) before summer arrives.


Why Choose miraDry for Underarm Odor and Excessive Sweating?

miraDry is a non-invasive treatment that effectively reduces underarm odor and excessive sweating by permanently destroying sweat glands using microwave energy.


Unlike surgery, it requires no incisions, has minimal downtime, and provides long-lasting results.


If you’re struggling with underarm sweat and odor, miraDry is an excellent alternative to surgery or temporary treatments like Botox injections.


  1. What is miraDry? How Does It Work?

① Mechanism of Action

miraDry utilizes microwave energy to target and destroy sweat glands in the underarms.


Apolocrine glands (cause of odor) and eccrine glands (cause of sweating) are permanently destroyed.

Once destroyed, sweat glands do not regenerate, leading to long-term reduction in sweat and odor.

Non-invasive procedure with no surgical incisions or stitches required.

② Effectiveness for Odor and Sweating

Odor reduction rate: 80–90% improvement.

Sweat reduction rate: 60–90% improvement.

Longevity: Results are semi-permanent to permanent with just one treatment.

➡ miraDry is one of the most effective non-surgical solutions for long-lasting odor and sweat control.


  1. Benefits of miraDry Treatment

① Permanent Effect with No Surgery

Unlike surgery (such as subdermal excision or curettage procedures), miraDry does not require incisions.


Sweat glands do not regenerate, so results last for years.

No risk of scarring or long recovery periods.

② Minimal Downtime & Fast Recovery

No hospitalization required, and most patients return to daily activities within 2–3 days.

Swelling and bruising are temporary and typically subside within a few weeks.

No risk of complications like skin necrosis or infections, which can occur with surgical procedures.

③ Treats Both Odor & Excessive Sweating

miraDry effectively eliminates both apocrine glands (odor-causing) and eccrine glands (sweat-producing).

Unlike Botox, which only reduces sweating temporarily, miraDry provides a more permanent solution.

④ Alternative to Botox for Long-Term Results

Botox injections need to be repeated every 4–6 months, whereas miraDry offers long-term relief with just one or two sessions.

Ideal for those who want to avoid frequent injections.

  1. Who is miraDry Best Suited For?

✅ Those who want a permanent solution for underarm odor and sweating.

✅ Individuals experiencing excessive underarm sweating (sweat stains, odor issues).

✅ People who dislike the hassle of Botox injections every few months.

✅ Those looking for a non-surgical, low-risk treatment.

✅ Anyone who wants to feel confident and fresh before summer.


➡ Getting miraDry before summer ensures a sweat-free, odor-free season!


  1. What to Expect After Treatment

① Post-Treatment Recovery

Mild swelling and bruising may last 1–2 weeks but subside naturally.

Numbness and slight discomfort may be present but improve over time.

Patients can resume normal activities within a few days.

② Long-Term Results

One treatment is often sufficient, but some patients may require a second session for optimal results.

Unlike surgery, which has higher risks, miraDry is safe and effective with minimal downtime.

  1. Summary

✅ miraDry is a highly effective, non-invasive solution for underarm odor and excessive sweating.

✅ Permanent results with just one or two treatments—sweat glands do not regenerate.

✅ No incisions, minimal downtime, and fast recovery.

✅ More long-lasting than Botox, which requires regular maintenance.

✅ Ideal for summer preparation—eliminate sweat and odor before the heat arrives!


💡 Key Takeaway:

If you’re considering a permanent, non-invasive solution for underarm sweat and odor, miraDry is one of the best treatment options available today.


📩 Book a consultation at W Skin Clinic Nagoya to experience the long-lasting benefits of miraDry before summer arrives!