口横のポニョとなっている脂肪を取るには、Fat X coreが最適か?名古屋市東区の美容皮膚科医が解説

口横のポニョとなっている脂肪を取るには、Fat X coreが最適か?名古屋市東区の美容皮膚科医が解説
今回は、口横のポニョとなっている脂肪を取るには、Fat X coreが最適か?について解説します。
口横のポニョとなっている脂肪を取るには、Fat X Coreが最適か?
口横の脂肪(いわゆる「ポニョ」)は、加齢や脂肪の蓄積によってできるもので、フェイスラインのたるみを強調しやすい部分です。脂肪溶解注射の中でもFat X Coreは、強力な脂肪分解効果を持つため、口横の脂肪を減らすのに適していると考えられます。
- 口横の脂肪(ポニョ)の原因
✅ 皮下脂肪の蓄積 → 口周りに脂肪がつきやすい体質の人
✅ 加齢による皮膚のたるみ → 皮膚が緩むことで脂肪が目立つ
✅ 表情筋の衰え → 口周りの筋肉が弱ると脂肪が下垂しやすい
✅ 頬やフェイスラインのボリュームロス → 皮膚が余り、脂肪が目立つ
📌 単に脂肪だけの問題ではなく、皮膚のたるみや筋肉の衰えも関係するため、治療は複合的に考える必要がある。
- Fat X Coreとは?
Fat X Coreは、脂肪細胞そのものを破壊する脂肪溶解注射で、従来の脂肪溶解注射(BNLSやカベリン)と比較して、より強力な効果を持つのが特徴です。
Fat X Coreの主成分と作用
✅ デオキシコール酸(Deoxycholic Acid)
→ 脂肪細胞の膜を破壊し、脂肪を溶解する作用が強い
→ アメリカFDA認可の脂肪溶解治療「カイベラ(Kybella)」と同様の成分
✅ L-カルニチン、アーティチョークエキスなど
→ 脂肪燃焼を促進し、分解した脂肪の代謝をサポート
📌 従来の脂肪溶解注射よりも、脂肪細胞を直接破壊する作用が強いため、効果が長続きする。
- 口横の脂肪に対するFat X Coreの効果
✅ Fat X Coreが最適な理由
📌 口横の脂肪をピンポイントで減らし、フェイスラインをすっきりさせたい人に適している。
✅ 口横の脂肪(ポニョ)を取るには、Fat X Coreが最適な脂肪溶解注射の一つ。
✅ デオキシコール酸の働きで脂肪細胞自体を破壊し、リバウンドしにくい。
✅ 2~3回の施術で効果を実感しやすく、ダウンタイムも比較的短い。
✅ 皮膚のたるみがある場合は、HIFUや糸リフトと組み合わせるとより良い結果が得られる。
📌 口横の脂肪が気になる場合、Fat X Coreは有効な選択肢。ただし、たるみもある場合はHIFUやリフトアップ施術を組み合わせることで、より美しいフェイスラインを作ることができます。
理事長 加藤晃司
Wスキンクリニック名古屋 (美容皮膚科)
〒461-0005 愛知県名古屋市東区東桜 2-4-1 第3コジマビル6F
TEL 052-7377-7117(10:00~19:00)
高岳駅より徒歩4分 / 新栄町駅より徒歩5分
Wスキンクリニック院長 加藤晃司インスタ↓
"How to Reduce the 'Ponyo' Fat Around the Mouth – Is Fat X Core the Best Solution?"
Explained by a Cosmetic Dermatologist in Higashi Ward, Nagoya
Hello, this is Dr. Koji Kato, a cosmetic dermatologist at W Skin Clinic Nagoya.
Today, I’ll explain whether Fat X Core is the best option for reducing stubborn fat around the mouth ("Ponyo" fat).
- What Causes the 'Ponyo' Fat Around the Mouth?
The puffy fat deposits around the corners of the mouth result from various factors, including:
✅ Excess Subcutaneous Fat – Some people naturally accumulate fat in this area.
✅ Skin Laxity Due to Aging – As skin loses elasticity, fat can become more prominent.
✅ Weakening of Facial Muscles – When facial muscles lose tone, fat can sag downward.
✅ Volume Loss in the Cheeks and Jawline – Loss of facial fat can cause surrounding tissues to droop, making the mouth area look heavier.
📌 Since this is a complex issue, a multi-faceted treatment approach is often necessary.
- What is Fat X Core?
Fat X Core is a highly effective fat-dissolving injection that permanently destroys fat cells. Unlike traditional fat-dissolving injections (such as BNLS or Kabelline), Fat X Core works more aggressively to eliminate fat and prevent future accumulation.
🔹 How Does Fat X Core Work?
✅ Deoxycholic Acid (Main Active Ingredient)
✔ Breaks down fat cell membranes, leading to permanent fat loss.
✔ The same key ingredient as Kybella, an FDA-approved fat reduction treatment.
✅ L-Carnitine & Artichoke Extract
✔ Enhances fat metabolism and promotes faster clearance of broken-down fat cells.
📌 Unlike conventional fat-dissolving injections, Fat X Core targets fat cells directly, preventing rebound effects.
- Why Fat X Core is Effective for Mouth Corner Fat ("Ponyo")
🔹 Strong Fat-Dissolving Action – Targets stubborn fat that won’t go away with diet or exercise.
🔹 Long-Lasting Effects – Since it destroys fat cells, the results are semi-permanent.
🔹 Minimal Downtime – Some swelling and redness occur but subside within a few days to a week.
🔹 Visible Results in 1-3 Sessions – Many patients see a noticeable reduction after just one treatment.
📌 If your goal is to slim the lower face and define your jawline, Fat X Core is an excellent option.
- How Many Treatments Are Needed?
🔹 Typical Treatment Plan for Mouth Corner Fat
✅ Mild Cases – 1-2 sessions, spaced 4-6 weeks apart.
✅ Moderate Cases – 2-3 sessions for more defined results.
✅ Severe Cases – 3-4 sessions for maximum reduction.
📌 Results appear gradually over 2-4 weeks as the body metabolizes broken-down fat.
- When Should You Consider Additional Treatments?
Since facial sagging can accentuate fat deposits, combining Fat X Core with other treatments can yield even better results.
🔹 Best Combination Treatments
✔ HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound) → Tightens the skin and lifts sagging areas.
✔ Thread Lift → Provides an immediate lifting effect to reshape the lower face.
✔ RF Microneedling (Morpheus8, INFINI, etc.) → Stimulates collagen to firm and tighten the skin.
📌 If sagging is also a concern, Fat X Core alone may not be enough. Combining treatments ensures a more sculpted, youthful look.
- Summary: Is Fat X Core the Best Choice for 'Ponyo' Fat?
✔ Yes! Fat X Core is one of the most effective non-surgical solutions for mouth-area fat.
✔ It permanently eliminates fat cells, reducing the risk of rebound.
✔ Visible improvement is achieved in just 1-3 sessions.
✔ For best results, consider combining with skin-tightening treatments like HIFU or thread lifts.
📌 If you're looking for a slimmer, more contoured lower face, Fat X Core is an excellent choice!
Let’s work together to achieve your ideal facial contour. Feel free to reach out to W Skin Clinic Nagoya for a consultation. 💆♀️✨