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  • メディカルダイエット、ヴァンキッシュとマンジャロの併用は、相乗効果を発揮するか?名古屋の美容皮膚科医が解説















  1. ヴァンキッシュとは?




部分痩せに効果的: 腹部や腰周りなど、特定の部位に集中的に脂肪を減少させます。

非侵襲的でダウンタイムが少ない: 手術なしで脂肪を減少させることができ、痛みやリスクが少ないです。

数週間で効果が実感: 脂肪細胞が破壊され、代謝によって体外に排出されるため、徐々に脂肪減少が見られます。


  1. マンジャロ(Mounjaro)とは?




食欲抑制効果: 脳の食欲中枢に働きかけて、食欲を抑制し、カロリー摂取を減少させます。

血糖値の改善: 血糖値コントロールが強化され、体内の脂肪燃焼が促進されます。

全身の体重減少に効果的: 特に内臓脂肪の減少に効果が期待でき、全体的な脂肪減少を目指せます。


  1. ヴァンキッシュとマンジャロの併用による相乗効果



  1. 全身の体重減少+部分痩せ



  1. 脂肪細胞への直接アプローチと食欲抑制



  1. 内臓脂肪と皮下脂肪の同時減少



  1. ダイエット効果の維持



  1. どちらがどのケースに適しているか?

部分痩せを重視する場合: ヴァンキッシュは特に腹部や腰回りなどの部分痩せに優れており、これらのエリアを引き締めたい場合に有効です。

食欲抑制が必要な場合: 食欲をコントロールすることが難しい場合や、体重全体を落としたい場合はマンジャロが適しています。マンジャロを使用することで、ダイエットに必要なカロリーコントロールが簡単に行えます。

内臓脂肪の減少が必要な場合: マンジャロは内臓脂肪に特化しており、メタボリックシンドロームや脂肪肝が気になる場合に特に効果があります。


  1. 併用による治療の流れ

マンジャロの使用開始: 食欲抑制や内臓脂肪の減少効果が現れ始めるまで、通常数週間かかるため、これに合わせて体全体の体重を減らします。

ヴァンキッシュの施術: 部分痩せを目指したいエリア(お腹や腰回りなど)にヴァンキッシュを使用し、脂肪細胞を破壊してスリムな見た目を目指します。

継続的な治療と経過観察: 両方の効果をモニタリングしながら、必要に応じて追加のヴァンキッシュセッションやマンジャロの使用を継続します。













理事長 加藤晃司







Wスキンクリニック名古屋 (美容皮膚科)



〒461-0005 愛知県名古屋市東区東桜 2-4-1 第3コジマビル6F

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LINE ID @w.nagoya

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LINE ID :  @w.nagoya





Wスキンクリニック院長 加藤晃司インスタ↓




Is the Combination of Vanquish and Mounjaro Effective for Enhancing Weight Loss? A Dermatologist from Nagoya Explains


Hello, this is Koji Kato, the director of W Skin Clinic Nagoya.


In this article, I will explain whether the combination of Vanquish and Mounjaro (tirzepatide) in medical weight loss treatment can achieve synergistic effects for enhanced fat reduction and weight management.


  1. What is Vanquish?

Vanquish is a non-invasive fat reduction treatment that uses high-frequency energy to heat and destroy fat cells beneath the skin. The destroyed fat cells are then naturally metabolized and eliminated from the body. This treatment is particularly effective for reducing fat in specific areas such as the abdomen and flanks.


Vanquish Features and Benefits:


Spot Fat Reduction: Focuses on reducing fat in targeted areas like the abdomen and waist.

Non-invasive and Low Downtime: There is no surgery involved, making the treatment pain-free with minimal risk or recovery time.

Gradual Results: Fat reduction occurs over a few weeks as the body metabolizes the destroyed fat cells.

  1. What is Mounjaro (tirzepatide)?

Mounjaro is an injectable medication used primarily for managing diabetes and weight control. It is a dual incretin receptor agonist that acts on both GLP-1 and GIP receptors, suppressing appetite and improving blood sugar regulation, leading to overall weight loss.


Mounjaro Features and Benefits:


Appetite Suppression: Helps reduce calorie intake by acting on the brain’s hunger centers.

Blood Sugar Improvement: Enhances insulin sensitivity, promoting fat burning and weight loss.

Effective for Overall Weight Reduction: Particularly effective in reducing visceral fat, contributing to general weight loss.

  1. Synergistic Effects of Combining Vanquish and Mounjaro

By combining Vanquish and Mounjaro, the two treatments can complement each other’s strengths, potentially leading to enhanced results.


  1. Whole-body Weight Loss + Spot Reduction: Mounjaro promotes overall body weight reduction, particularly by targeting visceral fat. Vanquish, on the other hand, focuses on specific areas such as the abdomen and waist. Combining these treatments allows for general weight loss while simultaneously sculpting specific problem areas.


  1. Direct Fat Cell Targeting + Appetite Suppression: Vanquish physically destroys fat cells in targeted areas, while Mounjaro reduces calorie intake by suppressing appetite. This combination can prevent new fat accumulation while effectively reducing existing fat deposits, accelerating fat loss.


  1. Reduction of Both Visceral and Subcutaneous Fat: Mounjaro is particularly effective in reducing visceral fat (the fat surrounding internal organs), whereas Vanquish targets subcutaneous fat (just beneath the skin). Together, they address both types of fat, making the body’s overall fat reduction more comprehensive.


  1. Sustained Weight Loss: Mounjaro’s appetite-suppressing effects help maintain reduced calorie intake, preventing fat gain, while Vanquish ensures that the destroyed fat cells do not regenerate. This combination can help maintain long-term weight loss and minimize the risk of rebound weight gain.


  1. Which Treatment is Best for Specific Needs?

For Spot Reduction: Vanquish is ideal for individuals looking to reduce fat in specific areas like the abdomen or waist, helping achieve a more contoured appearance.

For Appetite Control and Overall Weight Loss: Mounjaro is effective for those who need help controlling their appetite and reducing overall body weight.

For Reducing Visceral Fat: Mounjaro is particularly beneficial for those concerned about visceral fat, which is linked to metabolic conditions like diabetes and heart disease.

  1. Treatment Plan Combining Vanquish and Mounjaro

Step 1: Start with Mounjaro: Use Mounjaro to control appetite and begin the process of overall weight reduction. It may take a few weeks to notice significant appetite suppression and weight loss.

Step 2: Begin Vanquish Sessions: While Mounjaro helps reduce overall fat, use Vanquish to target and sculpt specific areas like the abdomen or flanks by destroying fat cells.

Step 3: Monitor Progress: Track results with both treatments, adjusting the treatment frequency as needed to maintain the desired outcomes.


Combining Vanquish with Mounjaro has the potential to create a synergistic effect, enhancing overall weight loss and fat reduction. Mounjaro supports whole-body weight loss and visceral fat reduction, while Vanquish focuses on targeted areas like the abdomen and waist. Together, they provide comprehensive body contouring and weight management, helping patients achieve both spot fat reduction and overall slimming.