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  • フォトセラピーM22の特徴、メカニズム、効果、副作用、レーザー治療との違いについて、名古屋の美容皮膚科医が解説
















フォトセラピーM22は、イスラエルのルミナス社が開発した多機能な光治療機器です。IPL(Intense Pulsed Light)技術を利用し、さまざまな皮膚の問題に対応する治療法を提供します。多くの皮膚科や美容クリニックで使用されており、シミや赤み、毛穴の開き、肌のハリの改善などに効果があります。





シミや色素沈着の改善: メラニン色素に吸収されることで、シミや色素沈着を分解します。

赤ら顔や血管拡張の改善: 血管に吸収され、血管を収縮させることで赤みを軽減します。

肌のハリと弾力の向上: コラーゲン生成を促進し、肌のハリと弾力を向上させます。






シミやそばかすの除去: メラニン色素の破壊により、シミやそばかすが薄くなります。

赤ら顔の改善: 血管の収縮により、顔の赤みが軽減されます。

肌のハリと弾力の改善: コラーゲン生成の促進により、肌のハリと弾力が向上します。

毛穴の引き締め: 光のエネルギーが毛穴に作用し、引き締め効果を発揮します。






一時的な赤みや腫れ: 照射部位に赤みや腫れが生じることがありますが、通常数時間から数日で改善します。

軽度の痛み: 照射時に軽い痛みやチクチク感を感じることがあります。

色素沈着のリスク: 極めて稀に、色素沈着や色素脱失が生じることがあります。








フォトセラピーM22: 幅広い波長(IPL)を使用し、複数の皮膚の問題に対処します。

レーザー治療: 単一の波長を使用し、特定のターゲットに集中して作用します。




フォトセラピーM22: 多様な皮膚の問題(シミ、赤ら顔、毛穴の開きなど)に対して広く適応します。

レーザー治療: 特定の問題(シミ、しわ、タトゥー除去など)に対して強力に作用します。




フォトセラピーM22: ダウンタイムが少なく、治療後すぐに日常生活に戻ることができます。

レーザー治療: 効果が高い反面、ダウンタイムが長くなる場合があります。














理事長 加藤晃司







Wスキンクリニック名古屋 (美容皮膚科)



〒461-0005 愛知県名古屋市東区東桜 2-4-1 第3コジマビル6F

TEL 052-7377-7117(10:00~19:00)

LINE ID @w.nagoya

高岳駅より徒歩4分 / 新栄町駅より徒歩5分







Aesthetic Dermatologist in Nagoya Explains Features, Mechanism, Effects, and Side Effects of Phototherapy M22

Hello, I’m Koji Kato, Director of W Skin Clinic Nagoya.


Today, I’ll explain the features, mechanism, effects, and side effects of Phototherapy M22, as well as its differences from laser treatments.


M22 is often compared to laser treatments, but its ability to emit multiple wavelengths makes it effective not only for spots but also for redness, pores, and more.


  1. Features

Phototherapy M22 is a versatile light treatment device developed by Lumenis, an Israeli company. It utilizes IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) technology and addresses various skin concerns. Widely used in dermatology and aesthetic clinics, it effectively treats spots, redness, pore enlargement, and skin firmness.


  1. Mechanism

Phototherapy M22 works by emitting a broad spectrum of light that targets specific skin components (melanin, blood vessels, collagen). This light energy penetrates deep into the skin, promoting cell regeneration and collagen production.


Improvement of spots and pigmentation: The light is absorbed by melanin, breaking down spots and pigmentation.

Reduction of redness and vascular issues: The light targets blood vessels, causing them to constrict and reduce redness.

Enhancement of skin firmness and elasticity: By stimulating collagen production, it improves skin firmness and elasticity.

  1. Effects

The effects of Phototherapy M22 are diverse:


Removal of spots and freckles: The destruction of melanin reduces the appearance of spots and freckles.

Improvement of redness: Constriction of blood vessels reduces facial redness.

Enhancement of skin firmness and elasticity: Stimulated collagen production enhances skin firmness and elasticity.

Pore tightening: The light energy acts on pores, tightening them effectively.

  1. Side Effects

The side effects of Phototherapy M22 are generally mild and include:


Temporary redness and swelling: Redness and swelling may occur at the treatment site but usually subside within hours to days.

Mild pain: Some patients may experience mild pain or a pricking sensation during treatment.

Risk of pigmentation changes: Rarely, pigmentation changes or loss can occur.

  1. Differences from Laser Treatment

While both Phototherapy M22 and laser treatments are effective for skin improvement, they have distinct differences:


Wavelength Range:


Phototherapy M22: Uses a broad range of wavelengths (IPL), addressing multiple skin issues.

Laser Treatment: Utilizes a single wavelength, focusing on specific targets.

Treatment Range:


Phototherapy M22: Broadly applicable to various skin issues (spots, redness, pores, etc.).

Laser Treatment: Strongly effective for specific issues (spots, wrinkles, tattoo removal, etc.).



Phototherapy M22: Minimal downtime, allowing patients to return to daily life immediately after treatment.

Laser Treatment: Higher efficacy but potentially longer downtime.


Today, I explained the features, mechanism, effects, side effects, and differences between Phototherapy M22 and laser treatments.


Phototherapy M22 is an effective treatment for various skin problems and is chosen by many due to its multifunctionality and safety. Understanding the differences from laser treatments helps in choosing the best treatment for your skin condition.