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  • シミ取りレーザー後の色素沈着はどのくらいの期間でとれるか?取れなった場合の対処方法は?名古屋の美容皮膚科医が解説











シミ取りレーザー(例えば、ピコレーザーやIPLなど)を使用した後に、一時的に色素沈着が生じることがあります。この色素沈着は、炎症後色素沈着(PIH:Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation)と呼ばれ、治療後の皮膚が回復する過程で起こります。これは一時的なもので、多くの場合、時間とともに自然に改善しますが、改善が遅い場合や色素沈着が残ってしまうこともあります。




  1. 色素沈着が取れるまでの期間



軽度の色素沈着: 1~3か月程度で自然に改善することが多いです。軽い炎症が原因となっている場合、肌の新陳代謝により、メラニンが徐々に排出され、色素が薄くなります。


中度から重度の色素沈着: 6か月から1年程度かかることがあります。強い炎症やメラニンの沈着が深い場合、自然に色素が排出されるまでに長期間を要します。




  1. 色素沈着が取れない場合の対処方法



2.1. 医療用クリームの使用



ハイドロキノン: メラニン生成を抑える作用があるため、色素沈着を薄くするために広く使われています。シミや色素沈着の治療に有効で、約数週間から数か月の使用で効果が期待できます。


トレチノイン(レチノイド): 肌のターンオーバーを促進し、メラニンを含む古い皮膚を排出することで、色素沈着を改善します。ハイドロキノンと併用することが多いです。


ビタミンC: ビタミンCは抗酸化作用があり、メラニンの生成を抑える効果があります。色素沈着の予防や改善に役立ちます。美容液などに含まれていることが多いです。


2.2. 化学ピーリング





2.3. レーザートーニング



ピコレーザーやQスイッチレーザー: 特に色素が濃い場合に有効で、メラニンを破壊しながら、徐々に色素を薄くします。


2.4. サンスクリーンの使用





2.5. 美容サプリメント



トラネキサム酸: 美白効果があり、色素沈着やシミの改善に効果があるとされています。


  1. 予防とケアの重要性



保湿ケア: 肌の回復を早め、色素沈着を予防するために、保湿は不可欠です。ヒアルロン酸やセラミドを含む保湿クリームを使用しましょう。


刺激の少ないスキンケア: レーザー後は、敏感な肌に刺激を与えないよう、アルコールや香料の少ないスキンケアを選びましょう。


サンスクリーンの徹底: 上述の通り、日焼け対策は非常に重要です。外出時には日焼け止めをしっかり塗り、紫外線の影響を受けないようにしましょう。










理事長 加藤晃司







Wスキンクリニック名古屋 (美容皮膚科)



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LINE ID :  @w.nagoya





Wスキンクリニック院長 加藤晃司インスタ↓






How Long Does Pigmentation Last After Spot Removal Laser Treatment? What to Do if It Doesn’t Fade? Explained by a Nagoya Cosmetic Dermatologist


Hello, I’m Koji Kato, Director of W Skin Clinic Nagoya.


Today, I will explain how long pigmentation lasts after laser spot removal treatment and what to do if it doesn’t fade.


Post-laser pigmentation, also known as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH), can occur as a temporary side effect after treatments like Pico Laser or IPL. This pigmentation is part of the skin's healing process and typically improves over time. However, in some cases, it may take longer to fade, or the pigmentation might persist. Below, I will explain how long it typically takes for pigmentation to fade and what measures can be taken if it doesn’t.


  1. How Long Does Pigmentation Take to Fade?

Typically, pigmentation fades within a few weeks to several months.


Mild pigmentation: Usually fades within 1 to 3 months. In cases of mild inflammation, the body's natural skin turnover process gradually eliminates the melanin, causing the pigmentation to lighten over time.


Moderate to severe pigmentation: Can take 6 months to a year to fade. When there is more intense inflammation or deeper melanin deposition, it may take a longer time for the body to naturally remove the pigmentation.


However, recovery time can vary depending on individual factors such as the skin’s healing capacity, age, and post-treatment care.


  1. What to Do If Pigmentation Does Not Fade?

If pigmentation persists or takes a long time to fade after laser treatment, several options can help speed up the process:


2.1. Use of Medical Creams

Medical creams prescribed by dermatologists can effectively lighten pigmentation, such as:


Hydroquinone: A powerful skin-lightening agent that inhibits melanin production. It is commonly used to treat pigmentation and spots, showing results within weeks to months of regular use.


Tretinoin (Retinoids): Stimulates skin turnover, helping to shed melanin-laden skin cells and improve pigmentation. It is often used in combination with hydroquinone.


Vitamin C: Known for its antioxidant properties, Vitamin C can help reduce melanin production and is often found in serums to improve pigmentation and prevent its recurrence.


2.2. Chemical Peels

Chemical peels involve applying acids (such as glycolic or salicylic acid) to exfoliate the skin, promoting new skin cell growth and helping to fade pigmentation over time. Multiple sessions may be necessary for effective results.


2.3. Laser Toning

For persistent pigmentation, low-energy lasers like Pico Toning or Laser Toning can gradually lighten pigmentation. These treatments are less aggressive and target the melanin in the skin, improving pigmentation over multiple sessions.


Pico Laser or Q-Switch Laser: These lasers are particularly effective for treating stubborn pigmentation, breaking down melanin gradually to lighten dark spots.

2.4. Sunscreen Use

Using sunscreen is crucial for preventing pigmentation from worsening or recurring. Ultraviolet (UV) exposure stimulates melanin production, which can make pigmentation darker or slow its resolution.


It is recommended to use sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher daily to protect the skin from UV rays, which can exacerbate pigmentation.

2.5. Oral Supplements

Certain oral supplements can help improve pigmentation from within, such as:


Tranexamic Acid: Known for its skin-lightening effects, tranexamic acid helps reduce pigmentation and melasma.


Vitamin C: Supplements containing Vitamin C may also support skin lightening by inhibiting melanin formation.


  1. Importance of Prevention and Proper Care

To prevent pigmentation from occurring or worsening, the following preventive measures and care are recommended, particularly after laser treatments when the skin is sensitive:


Moisturizing Care: Keeping the skin well-hydrated is essential for quicker recovery and preventing pigmentation. Use moisturizers containing hyaluronic acid or ceramides to maintain skin health.


Gentle Skincare: After laser treatments, avoid irritating the skin with harsh products. Opt for alcohol-free and fragrance-free skincare items to prevent irritation.


Strict Sunscreen Use: As mentioned above, diligent sun protection is crucial. Regular application of sunscreen and minimizing UV exposure will help prevent pigmentation from darkening and promote faster fading.



Post-laser pigmentation usually improves naturally within a few weeks to several months, but the duration can vary depending on individual factors. If pigmentation persists, using medical creams like hydroquinone, undergoing chemical peels, or opting for laser toning can help improve the condition. Additionally, taking preventative measures such as regular sunscreen use and proper skin care can accelerate recovery and prevent pigmentation from worsening.