












特に、炎症の抑制、細胞膜の機能向上、ミトコンドリア活性化、脳機能や心血管系の保護 など、老化に関連するさまざまなメカニズムに良い影響を与えることが研究で示されています。


  1. ω3脂肪酸とは?

ω3脂肪酸(オメガ3脂肪酸) とは、多価不飽和脂肪酸の一種であり、以下の3種類が主に抗老化作用に関与します。















  1. ω3脂肪酸の抗老化作用

① 慢性炎症を抑え、老化を遅らせる

老化の主な原因の一つは、慢性的な炎症(インフラメイジング:Inflammaging) です。







➡ ω3脂肪酸を摂取することで、細胞の炎症ストレスを減らし、老化の進行を抑えることが可能。


② 細胞膜の保護と機能向上


加齢に伴い、細胞膜の柔軟性が低下すると、細胞の機能が衰え、老化が加速 します。





➡ ω3脂肪酸は細胞膜を健康に保ち、加齢による細胞機能の低下を防ぐ。


③ ミトコンドリア機能を改善し、エネルギー代謝を最適化

加齢に伴い、ミトコンドリア(細胞のエネルギー工場)の機能が低下し、ATP(エネルギー産生)の効率が悪くなる ことが老化の原因の一つとされています。

ω3脂肪酸は、ミトコンドリアの機能を向上させ、細胞のエネルギー産生を改善する ことが研究で示されています。





➡ ω3脂肪酸を摂取することで、加齢による疲労や代謝低下を防ぎ、エネルギーレベルを維持できる。


④ 脳機能と認知症予防

DHAは脳の主要成分であり、認知機能の維持に不可欠 です。

加齢による脳の萎縮やアルツハイマー病の進行には、慢性炎症と酸化ストレスが関与 しており、ω3脂肪酸の摂取がこれらを抑える可能性があります。





➡ ω3脂肪酸は加齢による認知機能の低下を防ぐ可能性がある。


⑤ 心血管の健康維持

心血管疾患は、加齢による最大の健康リスクの一つですが、ω3脂肪酸には心血管系を保護する作用 があります。






➡ ω3脂肪酸を摂取することで、心血管疾患のリスクを抑え、健康寿命を延ばす。


  1. ω3脂肪酸の摂取方法と適量

① 1日の推奨摂取量

EPA + DHA 合計 1000mg〜2000mg(一般的な健康維持)

認知症予防や抗炎症目的なら 2000mg〜3000mg

心血管疾患リスクが高い場合は 3000mg 以上が推奨されることもある(医師と相談)

② ω3脂肪酸を多く含む食品

✅ 青魚(サバ・イワシ・サンマ・マグロ・サーモン)

✅ 亜麻仁油・えごま油(ALAを含み、体内で一部EPA・DHAに変換)

✅ くるみ・チアシード(植物性のALA)

✅ サプリメント(魚油・クリルオイルなど)


  1. ω3脂肪酸を摂取する際の注意点

✅ 酸化した油を避ける(酸化したω3脂肪酸は逆に体に悪影響を与える)

✅ 過剰摂取に注意(血液がサラサラになりすぎると出血リスクが高まる)

✅ バランスが重要(ω6脂肪酸との比率が崩れると炎症が起こりやすくなる)

✅ 高品質な魚油サプリを選ぶ(重金属フリー、酸化防止加工されたもの)


  1. まとめ

✅ ω3脂肪酸は、抗炎症作用・細胞膜の保護・ミトコンドリア活性化・脳機能維持・心血管保護など、多方面で抗老化作用を発揮する。

✅ 特にEPAとDHAが重要で、青魚や高品質なサプリからの摂取が効果的。

✅ 酸化を防ぎ、適切なバランスで摂取することで、老化の進行を抑え、健康寿命を延ばす可能性がある。


➡ ω3脂肪酸の摂取は、老化を遅らせるための重要な戦略の一つとして推奨される。










Does Omega-3 Fatty Acid Intake Provide Anti-Aging Benefits?

Explained by a Cosmetic Dermatologist in Nagoya

Hello, this is Dr. Koji Kato, a cosmetic dermatologist at W Skin Clinic Nagoya.


Today, I will explain whether omega-3 fatty acids contribute to anti-aging and how they work to slow down the aging process.


  1. Does Omega-3 Fatty Acid Intake Have Anti-Aging Benefits?


Omega-3 fatty acids (EPA, DHA, and ALA) play a crucial role in anti-aging, primarily through reducing inflammation, improving cellular function, enhancing mitochondrial activity, and protecting brain and cardiovascular health. Research suggests that regular omega-3 intake can help slow down aging at a cellular level and improve overall longevity.


  1. What Are Omega-3 Fatty Acids?

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential polyunsaturated fats that must be obtained from the diet. The three main types with anti-aging properties are:


EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid)

Strong anti-inflammatory effects

Improves blood circulation and cardiovascular health

DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid)

Essential for brain and nerve function

Supports memory and cognitive performance

ALA (Alpha-Linolenic Acid)

Found in plant sources (flaxseed, chia seeds)

Converts partially into EPA and DHA (low efficiency)

  1. How Does Omega-3 Fatty Acid Slow Aging?

① Reduces Chronic Inflammation & Delays Aging

One of the major causes of aging is chronic low-grade inflammation (also known as "Inflammaging").


EPA & DHA suppress inflammatory cytokines (IL-6, TNF-α), reducing inflammation at the cellular level.

Lowers C-reactive protein (CRP), a key marker of chronic inflammation linked to aging diseases.

Prevents inflammation-induced skin aging, joint degeneration, and metabolic disorders.

➡ By reducing inflammatory stress, omega-3 helps prevent premature aging and maintains cellular health.


② Protects & Enhances Cellular Function

Omega-3s are essential for maintaining cell membrane integrity and flexibility.


DHA strengthens nerve cell membranes, supporting brain function and preventing cognitive decline.

Improves antioxidant capacity, reducing oxidative stress that accelerates aging.

Enhances energy metabolism and mitochondrial function, preventing cellular aging.

➡ Omega-3 fatty acids keep cells young and functional, protecting against age-related deterioration.


③ Enhances Mitochondrial Function & Energy Production

Aging reduces mitochondrial efficiency, leading to fatigue and slower metabolism.


Omega-3 helps maintain mitochondrial membrane integrity, improving ATP (energy) production.

Lowers oxidative stress, preventing mitochondrial dysfunction associated with aging.

Enhances fat metabolism, increasing energy levels and reducing age-related metabolic decline.

➡ Omega-3 intake helps maintain optimal energy levels and delays cellular aging.


④ Supports Brain Function & Prevents Cognitive Decline

DHA is a key structural component of the brain and essential for cognitive health.


Enhances synaptic function, improving memory and learning ability.

Reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive decline.

Protects neurons by reducing brain inflammation and oxidative stress.

➡ Omega-3 can slow brain aging and reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases.


⑤ Promotes Heart Health & Longevity

Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of age-related mortality.


EPA reduces blood clotting, preventing strokes and heart attacks.

Regulates blood pressure, lowering cardiovascular strain.

Lowers LDL (bad cholesterol) and increases HDL (good cholesterol).

Reduces heart inflammation, decreasing the risk of heart failure.

➡ Regular omega-3 intake helps protect heart health and increases lifespan.


  1. How to Take Omega-3 for Anti-Aging

① Recommended Daily Intake

General health maintenance: 1000mg–2000mg EPA + DHA

Cognitive protection & inflammation reduction: 2000mg–3000mg

Cardiovascular support: 3000mg+ (consult a doctor if necessary)

② Best Omega-3 Food Sources

✅ Fatty Fish (Mackerel, Sardines, Salmon, Tuna)

✅ Flaxseed, Chia Seeds, Walnuts (High in ALA)

✅ Fish Oil Supplements (Ensure purity & low oxidation levels)

✅ Krill Oil (More bioavailable than standard fish oil)


  1. Important Considerations When Taking Omega-3

⚠ Avoid Oxidized Omega-3


Rancid omega-3 (oxidized fats) can cause inflammation and damage cells instead of protecting them.

Choose high-quality fish oil supplements with antioxidant protection (e.g., Vitamin E added).

⚠ Maintain Omega-3 to Omega-6 Balance


Excessive omega-6 intake (vegetable oils, processed foods) promotes inflammation.

Aim for an omega-6 to omega-3 ratio of around 4:1 or lower for optimal anti-aging effects.

⚠ Be Cautious with High Doses


Excessive intake (>5000mg/day) may thin blood too much, increasing bleeding risks.

If taking blood thinners, consult a doctor before increasing omega-3 intake.

  1. Summary: Should You Take Omega-3 for Anti-Aging?

✅ Omega-3 fatty acids have strong anti-aging effects, including:


Reducing inflammation & preventing age-related diseases

Protecting cells, improving mitochondrial function, and increasing energy levels

Enhancing cognitive function & preventing neurodegenerative diseases

Promoting heart health & longevity

🔥 Best ways to maximize benefits:


Consume fatty fish or high-quality omega-3 supplements daily.

Maintain a balanced omega-3 to omega-6 ratio.

Avoid oxidized fish oils and prioritize low-toxicity sources.

💡 Omega-3 intake is a fundamental strategy for slowing aging and promoting long-term health.


My Personal Omega-3 Routine

I have been taking omega-3 supplements for years as part of my anti-aging routine.


✔ Prescription Omega-3 (Lotriga) → Medical-grade purity and high EPA/DHA concentration.

✔ Omega-3 Supplements → Additional intake for optimal balance.


Anti-aging works best when combining multiple strategies, so I also integrate:


Antioxidants (Vitamin C, Glutathione)

Exercise & fasting for mitochondrial health

TMS & regenerative medicine therapies

🌟 The earlier you start, the better the results—try omega-3 today!