

二重あごを改善するには、Fat X coreがリバウンド少なく効果的か?名古屋市東区の美容皮膚科医が解説

二重あごを改善するには、Fat X coreがリバウンド少なく効果的か?名古屋市東区の美容皮膚科医が解説




今回は、二重あごを改善するには、Fat X coreがリバウンド少なく効果的か?について解説します。


Fat X coreは脂肪細胞そのものを破壊するため、リバウンドが少なく、二重あごの改善に効果的な治療法といえる。



  1. Fat X coreの特徴

Fat X coreの主成分であるデオキシコール酸は、脂肪細胞の膜を破壊し、脂肪細胞自体を減少させる作用がある。

一般的なダイエットや脂肪溶解注射では、脂肪細胞の大きさを小さくするだけのためリバウンドのリスクがあるが、Fat X coreは脂肪細胞の数自体を減らすため、リバウンドしにくい特徴を持つ。




さらに、Fat X coreにはコラーゲン生成を促進する作用もあり、脂肪を減らすだけでなく、皮膚のたるみを予防しながらフェイスラインを引き締める効果も期待できる。


  1. 二重あごの改善にFat X coreが適している理由


Fat X coreはピンポイントで脂肪を減少させるため、二重あごの改善に適している。






また、脂肪を減らした後の皮膚のたるみが心配されるが、Fat X coreはコラーゲン生成を促進する作用があり、肌の引き締め効果も期待できるため、たるみを最小限に抑えながらスッキリとしたフェイスラインを作ることが可能である。


  1. Fat X coreの施術の流れ

最初にカウンセリングを行い、二重あごの状態を確認した上で、施術の適応を判断する。必要な施術回数や範囲を決定した後、皮膚の消毒を行い、脂肪が気になる部分にFat X coreを注射する。施術時間は約15分程度で完了する。






  1. Fat X coreのデメリット・注意点







  1. Fat X coreが向いている人







脂肪を減らした後の皮膚のたるみも気になる場合、Fat X coreはコラーゲン生成を促進するため、肌の引き締めも期待できる。


  1. まとめ:二重あごの改善にFat X coreは効果的か?

Fat X coreは、脂肪細胞そのものを破壊するため、リバウンドのリスクが少なく、長期的にフェイスラインを維持しやすい。










脂肪細胞の数を減らし、リバウンドのリスクを抑えながら、スッキリとしたフェイスラインを手に入れるためには、Fat X coreが効果的な選択肢となります。











理事長 加藤晃司







Wスキンクリニック名古屋 (美容皮膚科)


〒461-0005 愛知県名古屋市東区東桜 2-4-1 第3コジマビル6F

TEL 052-7377-7117(10:00~19:00)


高岳駅より徒歩4分 / 新栄町駅より徒歩5分








Wスキンクリニック院長 加藤晃司インスタ↓




Is Fat X Core an Effective and Low-Rebound Solution for Double Chin Reduction? Explained by a Cosmetic Dermatologist in Nagoya

Hello, this is Dr. Koji Kato, a cosmetic dermatologist at W Skin Clinic Nagoya.


Today, I will discuss whether Fat X Core is an effective and low-rebound treatment for double chin reduction and why it may be the best option for those looking to refine their jawline.


① What Makes Fat X Core Effective for Double Chin Reduction?

Fat X Core is an advanced fat-dissolving injection containing a high concentration of deoxycholic acid, a compound that permanently destroys fat cells. Unlike traditional fat-dissolving injections that only shrink fat cells, Fat X Core eliminates them, making it significantly more resistant to rebound.


🔹 Key Features of Fat X Core

✅ Destroys fat cells permanently, reducing the chance of fat returning.

✅ Higher concentration of deoxycholic acid, providing stronger fat reduction effects compared to conventional injections.

✅ Boosts collagen production, helping to tighten skin and prevent sagging.

✅ Quick procedure (15 minutes) with minimal downtime, making it a convenient non-surgical option.


📌 "Unlike regular weight loss, which only shrinks fat cells, Fat X Core eliminates them, reducing the chance of regaining fat in the treated area."


② Why Is Fat X Core Ideal for Double Chin Reduction?

The double chin is caused by excess submental fat, which is often difficult to lose through diet and exercise alone.


✅ Fat X Core directly targets and eliminates fat cells in the chin area, providing precise and long-lasting results.

✅ The fat breakdown process occurs gradually over 2 to 4 weeks, leading to a natural-looking reduction in volume.

✅ Since fat cells are permanently removed, even if body weight fluctuates, the treated area remains slim.

✅ Stimulates collagen production, helping to tighten the skin and prevent post-treatment sagging.


📌 "Fat X Core is particularly effective for small, stubborn fat areas like the double chin, delivering noticeable results with minimal downtime."


③ Fat X Core Treatment Process

1️⃣ Consultation & Evaluation


Assess the amount of submental fat and skin elasticity.

Determine the number of sessions required (typically 1 to 3 treatments for optimal results).

2️⃣ Injection Procedure


Targeted injections are administered into the double chin area.

The session takes about 15 minutes, making it quick and convenient.

3️⃣ Post-Treatment Recovery


Mild swelling and redness may occur for 2-3 days but will subside naturally.

Results become visible in 2-4 weeks as fat is broken down and eliminated.

📌 "Most patients require 1-3 sessions for noticeable improvement, with full results appearing within 4-6 weeks."


④ Potential Side Effects & Considerations

Although Fat X Core is a safe and effective treatment, it is important to understand possible side effects and limitations.


✅ Temporary Swelling & Redness – Typically resolves within a few days.

✅ Mild Bruising – May occur in some cases but fades within a week.

✅ Gradual Fat Breakdown – Unlike surgery, results take time as fat is naturally eliminated.

✅ Not Suitable for Loose Skin – If skin laxity is a concern, combining Fat X Core with HIFU or RF skin tightening may be beneficial.


📌 "While Fat X Core is great for fat reduction, those with significant skin sagging may need additional tightening treatments."


⑤ Who Is the Best Candidate for Fat X Core?

✅ Struggles with a double chin despite diet & exercise.

✅ Wants a non-surgical, low-downtime solution for fat reduction.

✅ Prefers long-lasting results with minimal risk of fat returning.

✅ Wants to avoid sagging after fat loss, as Fat X Core also promotes collagen production.


📌 "If you’re looking for a minimally invasive, long-lasting solution for double chin reduction, Fat X Core is an excellent choice!"


⑥ Summary: Is Fat X Core the Best Option for Double Chin Reduction?

💡 Yes! Fat X Core is highly effective and offers long-term results with minimal risk of rebound.

💡 It permanently destroys fat cells, unlike conventional fat-dissolving injections.

💡 Collagen-stimulating properties help maintain skin firmness, preventing post-treatment sagging.

💡 Results are natural and long-lasting, with minimal downtime compared to surgery.


📌 "For those struggling with a double chin, Fat X Core is one of the most effective, non-surgical solutions available today."


Achieve a Defined Jawline with Fat X Core!

If you want a slimmer, more sculpted jawline without surgery, Fat X Core can help you achieve long-lasting, natural results.


✨ Book a consultation today and take the first step toward a more confident you! ✨