• 美容皮膚科 名古屋TOP>
  • お知らせ>
  • 夏に海やプールに行く前に、腹を凹ましてボディーラインをすっきりさせよう、部分痩せにはヴァンキッシュ+EMSLIMが最適なコンビネーションか?名古屋市東区の美容皮膚科医が解説












✅ 部分痩せには「ヴァンキッシュ+EMSLIM」の組み合わせが最適!

✅ ヴァンキッシュで脂肪を減らし、EMSLIMで筋肉を引き締めることで、効率的にウエストをシェイプアップできる。

✅ ダウンタイムなしで施術が可能なため、夏前の短期間でボディラインを整えたい人におすすめ。


  1. ヴァンキッシュとEMSLIMの違い








✅ 皮下脂肪を約40〜45℃に加熱し、脂肪細胞を破壊

✅ 破壊された脂肪はリンパを通じて体外に排出され、リバウンドしにくい

✅ 1回の施術でウエスト周りの脂肪が2〜4cm減少するケースも

✅ ダウンタイムなしで、施術直後から日常生活が可能


📌 脂肪そのものを減少させるため、皮下脂肪が多めの人や「お腹の脂肪がなかなか落ちない」と感じる人に最適。






✅ 筋肉を鍛えて、引き締まったウエストラインを作る

✅ 脂肪燃焼と同時に筋肉量を増やし、代謝を向上させる

✅ 寝たまま施術が可能で、運動が苦手な人にも最適

✅ ヴァンキッシュで減らした脂肪のたるみを防ぎ、ハリのあるお腹に仕上げる


📌 特に「ぽっこりお腹を引き締めたい」「腹筋を強化してウエストをシャープにしたい」人におすすめ!


  1. ヴァンキッシュ+EMSLIMの相乗効果




📌 ヴァンキッシュで皮下脂肪を減少 → EMSLIMで引き締める という流れが理想的!


  1. どのくらいの期間で効果を実感できる?

✅ ヴァンキッシュ:4〜6回(週1回ペース)で、脂肪の減少が実感しやすい

✅ EMSLIM:4〜6回(週1〜2回ペース)で、筋肉の引き締まりが明確に感じられる

✅ 両者を組み合わせると、1か月程度でウエストがスッキリしてくる


📌 「1〜2か月でお腹を凹ませたい」という場合に最適なプラン!


  1. どんな人におすすめ?

✅ 短期間でお腹を引き締めたい(夏前の海やプールに向けて)

✅ 運動だけではなかなかお腹の脂肪が落ちない

✅ ウエストの脂肪を減らしながら、筋肉をつけて引き締めたい

✅ ダウンタイムなしでボディラインを整えたい


  1. 施術後のポイント

✅ 施術後は代謝が高まっているため、こまめに水分補給をする

✅ 食事は高たんぱく・低脂肪を意識し、筋肉の維持をサポートする

✅ 軽い運動(ウォーキングやストレッチ)を併用すると、脂肪燃焼がさらに促進される


📌 施術後の生活習慣次第で、さらに効果を高めることが可能!


  1. まとめ

✅ ヴァンキッシュ(脂肪を減らす)+EMSLIM(筋肉を引き締める)は、最適な組み合わせ!

✅ 短期間でウエストを細くし、ぽっこりお腹を解消できる。

✅ 脂肪を減らしながら筋肉をつけることで、リバウンドしにくい体型へ。

✅ 夏前の海やプールに向けて、お腹をスッキリさせたい人におすすめ!


📌 ヴァンキッシュで脂肪を減らし、EMSLIMで引き締めれば、短期間で理想のウエストラインを実できます!













理事長 加藤晃司







Wスキンクリニック名古屋 (美容皮膚科)



〒461-0005 愛知県名古屋市東区東桜 2-4-1 第3コジマビル6F

TEL 052-7377-7117(10:00~19:00)

LINE ID @w.nagoya

高岳駅より徒歩4分 / 新栄町駅より徒歩5分





LINE ID :  @w.nagoya





Wスキンクリニック院長 加藤晃司インスタ↓






Is Vanquish + EMSLIM the Best Combination for Targeted Fat Reduction?

Explained by a Cosmetic Dermatologist in Nagoya


Hello, this is W Skin Clinic Nagoya.


Today, we will discuss how to slim down your stomach and refine your body shape before summer, and whether Vanquish + EMSLIM is the optimal combination for targeted fat loss.


  1. How to Achieve a Flatter Stomach & Sculpted Waistline Before Summer?

✅ Vanquish + EMSLIM is the best combination for targeted fat loss!

✅ Vanquish eliminates stubborn fat, while EMSLIM tightens and tones muscles, making it a highly effective way to reshape your waistline.

✅ No downtime is required, making it ideal for those who want quick results before beach and pool season.


  1. What Are the Differences Between Vanquish & EMSLIM?

Vanquish and EMSLIM use different technologies, but when combined, they work synergistically to eliminate fat and sculpt the body efficiently.


What Is Vanquish? (Fat Reduction)

Vanquish is a radiofrequency (RF) treatment that heats fat cells, breaking them down and naturally eliminating them through the lymphatic system. Often called a “non-invasive fat removal”, it targets larger fat deposits effectively.


✅ Heats fat cells to 40–45°C, leading to fat cell apoptosis (natural death).

✅ Permanently reduces fat as the destroyed fat cells are eliminated from the body.

✅ Can reduce waist size by 2–4 cm per session.

✅ No downtime—you can return to your daily activities immediately.


📌 Best for individuals struggling with stubborn belly fat that won’t go away through diet and exercise alone.


What Is EMSLIM? (Muscle Tightening & Fat Burning)

EMSLIM (Electromagnetic Muscle Stimulation) uses High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology to induce intense muscle contractions.

One session is equivalent to 20,000 sit-ups, making it highly effective for toning and strengthening the abdominal muscles.


✅ Strengthens and tightens abdominal muscles to create a firm, toned look.

✅ Burns fat while building muscle, enhancing metabolic rate.

✅ Non-invasive and painless—ideal for those who don’t like traditional workouts.

✅ Prevents loose skin after fat reduction, ensuring a firm and sculpted appearance.


📌 Best for individuals looking to define their abs, strengthen their core, and create a sculpted waistline.


  1. Why Is Vanquish + EMSLIM the Perfect Combination?

Vanquish and EMSLIM work in complementary ways:

📌 Vanquish reduces fat → EMSLIM tightens and sculpts muscles for optimal results.


By combining both treatments, you can achieve:

✅ More dramatic and faster results than using either treatment alone.

✅ A toned and sculpted waistline with minimal effort.

✅ A long-lasting reduction in fat and improved muscle definition.


  1. How Long Does It Take to See Results?

✅ Vanquish: 4–6 sessions (once per week) for visible fat reduction.

✅ EMSLIM: 4–6 sessions (1–2 times per week) for noticeable muscle toning.

✅ With both combined, results can be seen within 4–6 weeks.


📌 “If you want a flatter stomach in 1–2 months before summer, this is the perfect plan!”


  1. Who Is This Treatment Best For?

✅ Those who want to slim down their waistline quickly before summer.

✅ Individuals struggling with stubborn belly fat that won’t go away with diet or exercise.

✅ People looking to enhance muscle tone while reducing fat.

✅ Anyone who wants a non-invasive, pain-free fat reduction solution with no downtime.


  1. How to Maximize Results?

✅ Stay hydrated—drink plenty of water to help flush out destroyed fat cells.

✅ Maintain a high-protein diet to support muscle growth.

✅ Incorporate light activity (walking, stretching) to enhance metabolism.


📌 Lifestyle adjustments can further enhance and prolong the treatment’s effects!


  1. Summary: Why Choose Vanquish + EMSLIM?

✅ Vanquish (Fat Reduction) + EMSLIM (Muscle Toning) = The Ultimate Combination!

✅ Fat loss and muscle tightening happen simultaneously, leading to faster, more effective results.

✅ No downtime, making it perfect for those wanting quick results before summer.

✅ Provides a long-lasting, sculpted waistline with minimal effort.


📌 Vanquish eliminates fat, EMSLIM sculpts and tightens—together, they deliver a dramatic transformation!


We are currently offering special pricing for monitor patients.


If you're looking to reshape your body before summer, now is the perfect time to try Vanquish + EMSLIM!