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  • <再生医療×精神科>うつ病や不安障害に対し、TMS治療+エクソソーム点滴は、相乗効果を発揮するか?名古屋の美容皮膚科医が解説












TMS治療(経頭蓋磁気刺激療法)+ エクソソーム点滴は、うつ病や不安障害に対して相乗効果を発揮する可能性が高い。

それぞれが異なる作用メカニズムを持ちつつ、神経可塑性の促進・神経炎症の抑制・神経伝達の調整 という共通の効果が期待できるため、併用によりより効果的な治療が可能になると考えられます。


  1. TMS治療(経頭蓋磁気刺激療法)の役割

① 基本概要


うつ病や不安障害に関連する 前頭前野(特に左DLPFC)の低下した活動を改善 し、神経伝達物質の分泌を増やす。



② 作用メカニズム

神経可塑性を促進 → 神経細胞の結合を強化し、神経回路の再構築をサポート。

神経伝達物質の増加 → セロトニン・ドーパミン・ノルアドレナリン の分泌を促進し、気分の安定化。

抗炎症作用 → うつ病や不安障害で見られる 脳の炎症を抑え、ストレスホルモン(コルチゾール)の影響を軽減。


③ うつ病・不安障害への効果

TMS治療の 50~60% の患者が症状の改善を実感。

抗うつ薬が効かない患者の約30%が寛解(症状消失) するとされる。



  1. エクソソーム点滴の役割

① 基本概要

エクソソームは、細胞間の情報伝達を担うナノサイズの細胞外小胞で、幹細胞由来のエクソソームは神経再生・抗炎症作用・ミトコンドリア機能改善 などの働きを持つ。

神経炎症を抑え、神経細胞の修復・再生を促進 することで、うつ病や不安障害の治療に有望視されている。


② 作用メカニズム

神経修復: 幹細胞由来エクソソームが、損傷したニューロン(神経細胞)の修復・成長を促進。

抗炎症作用: うつ病や不安障害に関連する 脳内の慢性炎症(ミクログリア活性化)を抑制。

BDNF(脳由来神経栄養因子)の増加: うつ病患者ではBDNFが低下しているが、エクソソーム治療によって 神経細胞の成長と可塑性をサポート。

ミトコンドリア機能の改善: 脳のエネルギー代謝を向上させ、慢性的な疲労感や集中力の低下を改善。


③ うつ病・不安障害への効果

神経炎症を抑え、神経伝達のバランスを整える ことで、抗うつ・抗不安効果が期待できる。

ストレスホルモン(コルチゾール)やオキシトシン分泌への影響があり、ストレス耐性向上や感情調整が改善 する可能性がある。


  1. TMS + エクソソーム点滴の相乗効果

① 神経可塑性の強化




② 炎症の抑制

TMS: 抗炎症作用があり、脳のストレス反応を軽減。

エクソソーム: より強力な抗炎症作用を持ち、神経炎症を持続的に抑制。

→ 脳の慢性炎症をコントロールし、うつ症状や不安感を軽減する可能性。


③ 神経伝達の安定化


うつ病患者の脳は、神経伝達物質の分泌が不安定になりやすいが、TMS + エクソソームでバランスを取り戻しやすくなる。


④ 施術効果の加速

TMS単独では効果が出るまで 4~6週間 かかることがあるが、エクソソームを併用することで、神経修復が促進され、効果発現が早まる可能性がある。



  1. 併用治療のプロトコル(推奨スケジュール)

① TMS治療


その後、メンテナンスとして 週1~2回のTMSを継続。


② エクソソーム点滴








TMS → 神経回路を活性化し、抗うつ・抗不安効果を短期間で発揮。

エクソソーム → 神経修復・抗炎症作用で、長期的に神経伝達を安定化。


































Wスキンクリニック名古屋 (美容皮膚科)



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LINE ID @w.nagoya

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LINE ID :  @w.nagoya





Wスキンクリニック院長 加藤晃司インスタ↓






"Do TMS Therapy and Exosome IV Drip Have a Synergistic Effect on Depression and Anxiety Disorders?"—Explained by a Cosmetic Dermatologist in Nagoya

Hello, this is Dr. Koji Kato, the director of W Skin Clinic Nagoya.


Today, I will discuss whether TMS therapy + Exosome IV Drip can create a synergistic effect in treating depression and anxiety disorders.


Can TMS Therapy and Exosome IV Drip Work Synergistically?

💡 Conclusion:

The combination of TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) therapy and exosome IV drip has a high potential for synergy in treating depression and anxiety disorders.


Both treatments have distinct mechanisms of action, yet they share common benefits such as:

✅ Enhancing neuroplasticity

✅ Reducing neuroinflammation

✅ Regulating neurotransmitters


By combining these effects, a more effective treatment approach may be achieved.


  1. Role of TMS Therapy (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation)

① Overview

TMS is a non-invasive treatment that uses magnetic fields to stimulate specific regions of the brain and enhance neuronal activity.


In depression and anxiety disorders, the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC)—especially on the left side—shows decreased activity.

TMS helps to reactivate these areas, improving neurotransmitter function and overall mood regulation.


TMS is also effective for treatment-resistant depression (TRD), where traditional medications have failed.


② Mechanism of Action

🔹 Enhancing Neuroplasticity


Strengthens synaptic connections and supports neural circuit reconstruction.

🔹 Increasing Neurotransmitter Levels


Boosts the release of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, improving mood stabilization.

🔹 Anti-Inflammatory Effects


Reduces brain inflammation, which is commonly seen in depression and anxiety disorders.

Helps counteract the effects of stress hormones (cortisol).

③ Effectiveness in Depression & Anxiety

✔ 50-60% of patients experience symptom improvement.

✔ 30% of patients with treatment-resistant depression (TRD) achieve remission (symptom disappearance).

✔ Long-term use reduces relapse rates and promotes sustained mental health benefits.


  1. Role of Exosome IV Drip Therapy

① Overview

Exosomes are nano-sized extracellular vesicles secreted by cells, playing a key role in cell-to-cell communication.


Exosomes derived from stem cells contain:

✅ Growth factors

✅ Anti-inflammatory molecules

✅ Neuroregenerative factors


These components support neuronal repair, reduce inflammation, and improve mitochondrial function, making exosome therapy a promising novel treatment for depression and anxiety disorders.


② Mechanism of Action

🔹 Neuronal Repair


Stem cell-derived exosomes promote the regeneration and repair of damaged neurons.

🔹 Anti-Inflammatory Effects


Suppresses chronic brain inflammation, which is associated with depression and anxiety.

Modulates microglial activity, reducing neuroinflammation.

🔹 Increase in BDNF (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor)


Depression is associated with low BDNF levels, leading to neuronal damage.

Exosomes enhance BDNF production, promoting brain plasticity and cognitive function.

🔹 Mitochondrial Function Enhancement


Improves energy metabolism in the brain, reducing symptoms such as chronic fatigue and cognitive dysfunction.

③ Effectiveness in Depression & Anxiety

✔ Reduces neuroinflammation, helping regulate neurotransmitter balance.

✔ Modulates stress hormones (cortisol) and oxytocin, improving stress resilience and emotional stability.


  1. Synergistic Effects of TMS + Exosome IV Drip

① Strengthening Neuroplasticity

TMS activates neuronal circuits.

Exosomes promote neuronal repair.

💡 This combination accelerates recovery and enhances long-term stability.

② Suppression of Neuroinflammation

TMS has anti-inflammatory effects, reducing the brain’s stress response.

Exosomes provide a more powerful, long-lasting anti-inflammatory effect.

💡 This combination helps regulate chronic inflammation linked to depression and anxiety.

③ Stabilization of Neurotransmitters

TMS boosts serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine levels.

Exosomes support long-term neurotransmitter stability by promoting neuronal repair.

💡 This leads to more stable mood regulation and reduced relapse rates.

④ Faster Treatment Response

TMS alone may take 4-6 weeks to show effects.

Adding exosome therapy may accelerate symptom relief by enhancing neuronal repair and reducing inflammation.

💡 TMS primes the brain for plasticity, and exosomes optimize long-term healing.

  1. Recommended Treatment Protocol

① TMS Therapy

✔ 5 sessions per week (30 minutes each), for 4-6 weeks.

✔ After initial treatment, maintenance therapy: 1-2 sessions per week.


② Exosome IV Drip Therapy

✔ 1 session every 2 weeks (100-200 billion exosomes per infusion).

✔ Best administered immediately after TMS to enhance neural recovery.

✔ Continued treatment for 3-6 months yields more stable, long-term results.


Summary: Why TMS + Exosome IV Drip?

💡 TMS Therapy: Activates neural circuits & enhances neurotransmitter function.

💡 Exosome Therapy: Supports neuronal repair, reduces inflammation & stabilizes brain function.

💡 The combination provides both short-term symptom relief and long-term stability.


✔ Particularly beneficial for treatment-resistant depression and anxiety disorders.

✔ May serve as a non-drug alternative or help reduce psychiatric medication dependence.


🌟 Ideal for Patients Who:

✅ Want a non-medication treatment option for depression and anxiety.

✅ Are experiencing treatment-resistant depression.

✅ Seek long-term stabilization and reduced relapse risk.


📢 We are currently recruiting monitor patients for Exosome IV Therapy!


If you're interested in TMS + Exosome Therapy for depression or anxiety, feel free to contact our clinic!