











  1. リズネ(LIZNE)とは?





  1. 毛穴症状の原因とリズネの効果



(1) 肌の弾力回復



リズネの効果: ポリヌクレオチドが皮膚の再生を促進し、コラーゲンとエラスチンの生成を刺激します。これにより、肌の弾力が回復し、たるんで目立っていた毛穴が引き締まることが期待できます。


(2) 皮脂分泌の調整



リズネの効果: ポリヌクレオチドは、細胞再生を促進することにより、肌のバランスを整え、皮脂分泌の調整にも寄与します。肌のターンオーバーが正常化することで、毛穴の詰まりや皮脂の過剰分泌が軽減されることが期待できます。


(3) 肌のターンオーバー促進



リズネの効果: ポリヌクレオチドは、細胞再生を促すことで、肌のターンオーバーを正常化します。これにより、古い角質が排出されやすくなり、毛穴の詰まりや黒ずみが改善されます。


(4) 抗炎症作用と皮膚の修復



リズネの効果: ポリヌクレオチドには抗炎症作用があり、炎症を抑えながら皮膚の修復をサポートします。これにより、毛穴周囲の炎症が改善され、炎症後の毛穴の拡大や色素沈着を防ぐ効果が期待されます。


  1. リズネの治療によるメリット



即効性と持続性: リズネは注入後、数週間から1ヶ月程度で効果が実感でき、持続効果は6ヶ月から1年程度とされています。定期的な治療で効果を持続させることが可能です。

自然な仕上がり: 肌の再生を促進するため、自然な形で肌の質感が改善されます。毛穴を引き締めるだけでなく、全体的な肌のトーンや質感が向上することが期待できます。

ダウンタイムが少ない: リズネは非外科的な治療であり、施術後のダウンタイムがほとんどありません。施術後、すぐに日常生活に戻ることが可能です。


  1. リズネと他の治療法との併用



フラクショナルレーザーやピコレーザー: これらのレーザー治療と併用することで、皮膚の表面と深部の両方にアプローチでき、毛穴の引き締め効果が強化されます。

ヒアルロン酸注入: リズネとヒアルロン酸を併用することで、毛穴の改善と同時に、肌のハリや弾力を増強する効果が期待できます。

PRP療法(多血小板血漿): 自己血液から採取した成長因子を使用するPRP療法と併用することで、再生効果をさらに高め、より効果的な毛穴引き締めと肌再生が可能です。


  1. まとめ












理事長 加藤晃司







Wスキンクリニック名古屋 (美容皮膚科)


〒461-0005 愛知県名古屋市東区東桜 2-4-1 第3コジマビル6F

TEL 052-7377-7117(10:00~19:00)


高岳駅より徒歩4分 / 新栄町駅より徒歩5分








Wスキンクリニック院長 加藤晃司インスタ↓



Is LIZNE Effective in Improving Pore Symptoms? Explained by a Dermatologist in Nagoya

Hello, I’m Dr. Koji Kato, director of W Skin Clinic Nagoya.


In this explanation, I will discuss whether LIZNE is effective in improving pore symptoms and provide the rationale behind its efficacy.


LIZNE is a cosmetic treatment based on polynucleotide (PDRN), which promotes skin regeneration and repairs damage. It is considered effective in improving skin firmness and elasticity, as well as tightening pores. Below, I will explain in detail the reasons why LIZNE is effective for improving pore symptoms.


  1. What is LIZNE?

LIZNE is a regenerative treatment that uses polynucleotides (PDRN), derived from salmon DNA, to support cell repair and regeneration. These polynucleotides are small fragments of DNA that stimulate cellular growth and support the regeneration and healing of the skin. This leads to improved skin elasticity, firmness, and texture, which can also result in tighter pores.


  1. Causes of Pore Symptoms and the Effectiveness of LIZNE

Pore symptoms (enlarged pores, excess sebum, blackheads) are often caused by a loss of skin elasticity, excess oil production, and disrupted skin turnover. LIZNE's polynucleotides are effective in addressing these issues as follows:


(1) Restoring Skin Elasticity:


Enlarged pores often result from a loss of skin elasticity, which can be caused by aging and sun damage that reduces collagen and elastin, leading to sagging skin.


LIZNE's Effect: Polynucleotides promote skin regeneration and stimulate collagen and elastin production, helping restore skin elasticity. This results in tighter skin, reducing the appearance of enlarged pores.


(2) Regulating Sebum Production:


Excessive sebum production can cause clogged and enlarged pores, leading to a shiny complexion and more noticeable pores.


LIZNE's Effect: Polynucleotides help balance the skin by promoting cell regeneration, which can regulate sebum production. By normalizing skin turnover, clogged pores and excess sebum are reduced.


(3) Promoting Skin Turnover:


Disrupted skin turnover can cause dead skin cells to accumulate, leading to clogged and enlarged pores, as well as blackheads.


LIZNE's Effect: Polynucleotides help normalize skin turnover by promoting cell regeneration. This allows dead skin cells to shed more effectively, reducing pore blockages and improving blackhead appearance.


(4) Anti-inflammatory Effects and Skin Repair:


Chronic pore blockages can lead to inflammation, causing redness, swelling, or pus. Prolonged inflammation can damage the surrounding tissue, further enlarging the pores.


LIZNE's Effect: Polynucleotides have anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation while supporting skin repair. This can prevent pore enlargement and post-inflammatory pigmentation.


  1. Benefits of LIZNE Treatment

LIZNE offers a multifaceted approach to improving pore symptoms. Some specific benefits include:


Quick and Lasting Results: The effects of LIZNE can be seen within a few weeks to a month, and the results can last for six months to a year. Regular treatments can help maintain the results.

Natural Outcomes: LIZNE promotes natural skin regeneration, improving not only pores but also the overall texture and tone of the skin.

Minimal Downtime: As a non-invasive treatment, LIZNE requires little to no downtime, allowing patients to resume daily activities quickly.

  1. Combining LIZNE with Other Treatments

While LIZNE is effective on its own, it can be combined with other aesthetic treatments for enhanced results.


Fractional or Pico Laser: Combining LIZNE with laser treatments can target both the skin surface and deeper layers, enhancing pore tightening effects.

Hyaluronic Acid Injections: Combining LIZNE with hyaluronic acid injections can enhance skin elasticity and firmness while improving pore size.

PRP Therapy (Platelet-Rich Plasma): Using PRP therapy alongside LIZNE boosts the regenerative effects and leads to more effective pore tightening and skin rejuvenation.

  1. Conclusion

LIZNE, with polynucleotides (PDRN) as its main ingredient, is an effective treatment for improving pore symptoms. Its multi-faceted approach—stimulating collagen production, reducing inflammation, regulating sebum, and normalizing skin turnover—helps improve the appearance of enlarged and clogged pores. In addition to addressing pore issues, LIZNE contributes to overall skin quality improvement, offering natural and lasting results. LIZNE can also be combined with other treatments to enhance effectiveness.


At our clinic, we are currently offering a special promotion for LIZNE treatments. If you are interested, please feel free to contact us.